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One of the Best Lewd Games I have ever played cant wait for more updates keep up the good work

(Also any plans for a complete kate story)


What's the deal with Amy?  Turn her down at every turn, pick Kate but we still get in a relationship with her.

I think Kate route is still in the development since there is only like 5 images in her gallery

Kate route is not in the game. And the creator stopped so this was it.

Game is abandoned now?

Developer says its not, but its been over a year so....

Deleted 2 years ago

According to the patreon, mid October for patreon supporters. Everyone else will get it "a bit later".


OK so after playing the game for a significant amount of time I have to give some honest feedback here.

1) At times the English is quite broken, with words used incorrectly, plurals where there should be singulars and missing words proliferating the narrative. This is hard to get past when the majority of the story is mainly narrative with little interactions for long stretches. If you posted a location for feedback I am sure there would be many willing to offer you suggestions as to where the grammar and spelling could be improved.

2) The MC is incongruous at times, and the choices you make seem to have no effect on his personality. He goes from a spineless, weak willed lackey to an assertive and confident man and back far to quickly, despite whether or not you choose options that feel more assertive and dominating. It's hard to reconcile the character portrayed to us when we choose aggressive options, only to have him go back to being so pathetically submissive.

3) Back to a point I made earlier, some of the stretches between interactive decisions are far too long. There is something to be said for a great narrative, but players need to have a feeling that they are contributing to that narrative, and often we don't get that. Not to mention that even when we do, it seems to have very little if any impact on the story line.

4) The sudden disappearance of Kate and Jane, to have them so criminally overlooked, is rather strange. You have a moment with Kate and then poof she is gone for a very very very long time. Jane you never get the option to take advantage of her teasing when you first meet her, despite the fact that it would make a great opportunity for player interaction, which is frustrating as it takes away any and all agency you have as a player. Movies can get away with such things, games really can't.

wait, Ive been playing for like 4 hours total now

LOVE THE STORY. funny, witty, feels like its me talking haha, my one question is... no visual animation? like nadda??

the trailer lead me to believe there would be :c

(3 edits) (+2)

Good game, but I gotta say how comically pointless some of the choices seem. Like:

1) Find her

2) No way

If you choose 1) you get this:

"She might appreciate some company, although she would probably never admit it.

As I walk along the beach I encounter fewer and fewer people.

I stop and notice a few swimmers near me.

An  easily identifiable ponytail moving in the water attracts my attention." 


If you choose 2)  you get this:

"I suffer enough abuse from her already. I don't want to push my luck.

As I walk along the beach I encounter fewer and fewer people.

I stop and notice a few swimmers near me.

An  easily identifiable ponytail moving in the water attracts my attention."


Do these choices actually have an underlying impact on how the girl favours you or something or are they just for flavour?


Yes, there's a hidden mechanic where the choices add to each girls' score. Eventually you'll be put on the path of the girl with the highest score. It's not as simple as "pick the girl you like when James asks who your favorite is" (though that choice does add to the scores).

(1 edit)

Probably one of the best Visual Novels I have downloaded from Itch so far. Story has a bit of oddities when it comes to the skips but still pretty easy to get a grasp on. English is a bit broken but no where near the worst I have seen in a Visual Novel so far. Art style is a bit odd at times, but all in all is still pretty good and certainly unique. That creepy smile of Nina's was SPOT ON though, that has gotta be the creepiest smile I have ever seen in a video game to date. All in all, I absolutely love this game and I hope to see it do well and even grow, although it seems pretty finished to me besides a few oddities with the scene cuts and English, and I would love to see more added to this game. This has one of the most compelling stories I have seen in a free "erotic" game on Itch, certainly has some oddities, but very good and would be a hard recommend even without the more raunchy moments in it.

Couldn't agree more with everything said here.  Fantastic VN that had me laughing out loud many times. By far, on of my favourites.

one min it say i need to catch a train then i get on a bus the game is so boring and bad story i don't understand how everyone looked past that its annoying. sorry i can't say this is a good game 

Currently, best girl is Melissa. 

Strongly dissagree

This game is soooo good, I love it! when it will be updated

Love this game. Absolutely hilarious. :)

It's a very well-told story. You get 10 stars out of 5... if I could.

(1 edit) (+1)

on  second thought, I may have to deduct some stars for how oblivious the main character is. He does  make me angry a lot.

Please post updates.


This was amazing

When is the next update come out? I really loved it need more lol.


loved this game cant wait for the update


Sorry if my english is bad (i'm Vietnamese) Please finish all the game,this is the best visual novel game i ever play,And please next update finish kate or alice story,I will pay you full 60$ like a triple A game just to play that 2 story

what about a jane ending?

U got my attention at "over 15 hours of gameplay"


This game is great I can't wait to see if they actually finish it, a lot of the ones I've started recently I go back to see if I should buy and there's been no activity in 6mo to a year :(

Deleted 2 years ago

Good to hear cause this one is a really fun one

Probably one of the best visual novels i have played. Completed the game an old phone so i have to play it again to get all the scenes and i cant wait :).


Holy sh*t this is an amazing game!

As many people said here, I came for the girls, but stayed for the plot. I mean really. At first I was like "Oh yeah, some story, some random girl flirting etc.", I was here for obvious reasons. But after some time I realised that not only the game had a quite decent plot, but I genuinely enjoyed the playthrough and was carried away by the story!

I only played it through only once yet (Melissa's story), but I'll most definitely take another routes, to see everything this game has to offer.

Seriously! The writing is great, there were times where I was like: "wtf", and there are some typing errors, but the conversations were funny, and the story is full of action (and I'm not meaning the girl's scenes, altough those are also pretty good). This is as close to quality entertainment as a visual novel can get!

In the end, I was genuinely interested in the fate of the characters. For example, there's James. The character is an amazing job! He's funny but in a sarcastic way, he and the MC are constantly insulting each other, but in a way that makes it obvious, that they would give their lives to save each other. The constant teasing also creates a lighter atmosphere (altough somewhere it's just awkward), just like in a book, and the jokes actually made me laugh out loud sometimes!

So all I'm saying is that I definitely recommend to play, and I hope we'll see more and more updates in this amazing story telling game.

Keep up the good work! 😄👍


Great game, loved chasing down all of the paths and such, but I gotta say the way Kate and Jane get treated bugs the hell out of me.  As loyal and helpful as they are, they both get treated like trash for having open libidos.

 Also have some questions about what I feel are false leads between Nina and Amy on Nina's path and Melissa and Kate on Melissa's path.  Hell Amy and Kate on Amy's path for that matter...did Kate hurt you?

  Also the way you setup for branching choices creates a strange phenomena where you can sleep with someone and then several scenes later do so again on their dedicated path and have a first time scene all over again.  

Kinda jarring in a 'am I in the matrix' sort of way.

To balance my complaints I love the spectrum of fetishes present, the exploration of personalities is great and despite the MC being a jerk, I don't wish for his failure and enjoy his victories.  As a veteran I do understand the challenges that come with dealing with past trauma.

Keep at it, I want more!

This game was so fun I played through all 3 story's with walkthru after playing through the game 3 times without one :) I'm curious will there be any options added for 3 some with amy and kate during the amy line just seems right she "helped" and all :)

Is there a walkthrough? If there is, where can I find it? Thanks in advance. 


Good afternoon. If it's not a secret, then with what help did you make the graphics in the game? (Do you have any lessons on this program?). I also want to create my own game, but I can not draw. 


I've really enjoyed the story so far it's a great game keep up the good work when will Alice's story be finished 😊👍


I just spent a whole night playing this game.. really ...really... good.  

I don`t even mean the H stuff.. I mean the story.. the characters.. and MC who is not a total dork and I can understand and resonate with.. 

All around brilliant and I haven`t even finished yet  :D

And can`t wait to try out all the other routes.. 

(3 edits) (+1)

Is Cole THAT oblivious to the girls around him?

PS, the game is great btw

PPS, i was doing Amy,s route and i laughed when i saw that side characters don't have their own casual wear

(2 edits) (+2)

so freaking good.  love it . Finally finished it for good. Amy's rout was so damn good.   But i really wanna  alice rout maybe without all the gang or mob bs  maybe something to do with her real parents . Either way please add more for alice shes such a cutie i want route! 


I laughed so hard I teared up at some parts in the two play throughs I've done so far. Please please finish Alice's storyline! 

Me too I did all 3 paths and laughed so much when dealing with the body guard that guy is nuts!

is kate a side character?

Do your dialogue options make a difference in the story? Seeing images in the preview that i never saw before. Or are these to show upcoming routes and scenes?

They do make differences, I've got plenty of different pictures during my different playthroughs.


Came for girls stayed for James


I legit love James' character. Him and Ivan "Hello, fellow students" xD

OMG, so this lol I came for the girls but man I stayed for james that man is crazy & funny.


Great game  keep it up!


Thanks, doing my best!

Yes, I really thought this would just be another H game but really I actually read the whole story followed all the paths and LOVE ever minute, you are an amazing story teller.


Well done mate, keep it up. 


loved it! storyline is amazing


i love this game keep it up

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