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You gotta dig down deep to produce the bunk that appeared last month.

Maybe this month he'll dig down deeper and that'll be his hole he can go crawl into and disappear for after totally ruining what could have been an otherwise halfway decent game.

But with Stencilbits working on the Godot engine and apparently everything BUT the damn game, the jokes are writing themselves.


Face it, Stencilbits is a joke and not a very good one.  Every month he makes a fool out of himself.  He should probably find something else to do.


Yep, I agree.  Time for ole Stencilbits to quit being a poser, accept that he sucks, and move on because he has reached the pinnacle of suckage with his ridiculous update every month that not a single person even believes.

The pinnacle of Stencilbits:  Moving goal posts, endless excuses, and squatter thigs.


Welp, no intelligent life to be found on this rock.


Did you try looking under the rock, the land and home where all the Stencilbits followers reside.  Not that you'd find any intelligent life there either.  Just a bunch of suckers who enjoy getting conned and scammed.

You might even find a few of those squatter thigs under there and then  ole Stencilbits can post about 'em again this month or something else equally stupid.


God, these comments are as retarded as ever.  Why don't you all just sit in place and do nothing all day instead?

Cool derping, bro.


First, we are not related.  Second, that does not say what you all think it says and basically what you're saying is you've all got nothing better to do than troll a comment board over a typo?

That's funny coming from you.


Are you enjoying the squatter thigs?

Maybe you should try removing your head from your rectum and quit simping for a dev who posts absurd and ridiculous crap each and every month and never does anything even worth discussing.


You can't make this up.


Waiting on our two resident cheerleaders to weigh in on this.


Every Stencilbit fanboy here and abroad collectively fell out of their chairs in excitement when the newest excuse dropped.  


When you are Stencilbits and you don't spend 3 years proofreading and fixing bugs before you post, you end up with things called squatters thigs.  Since he can't even give his fake updates anymore without errors, I can only imagine what merciless horrors would be in an actual but very theoretical 0.4 release.


3 years of nonstop progress with this game has finally resulted in us being rewarded with some idiotic crap called squatters things.  Perfect.  Just what the world was waiting for.


That single typo just set this game back years.  It'll now take Stencilbits a year to figure out what word he intended to use.  Another year to proofread it.  And another year to bug test it.  Plus another year to post about it.


Anxious to know more about those squatters thigs.

This gets dumber every month.


Well, it comes from his Patreon.

Most people who talk about coding on the internet don't know anything about coding.

And the fact that all of this is just as stupid as it is ignorant like everything else he posts proves that it belongs on his Patreon.


Oh and you really know anything about programming?  I don't see you making any games.


I never said I did but actually, yes I do have experience with more than a few programming languages but I don't need to create a blog space to brag about it on a dead corner of the internet that nobody has any use for beyond ridicule to inflate my ego and sense of importance.  Feeble attempts at feeling superior is the only reason that collage of BS still exists.

And who gives a shit about the Godot engine anyway?  Stencilbits just admitted where his priorities are which clearly aren't even with this game anymore but I guess as long as he can make it sound like he knows something to impress all the know-nothings still following him on Patreon.


Here we have the great Stencilbits who has promised the release of the Kraken 0.4 release so many times it has become a running joke.  And then here you are, supporting the tightest fitting set of clown shoes on the internet all while waiting for next release date of the Kraken with baited breath.  But you got squatter thigs instead, so enjoy.

The amount of stupid here is palpable. Bordering on embarrassing, but here we are anyway.  It's just sad and dumb.


I wasn't able to see the update yesterday as the Patreon page wouldn't load on my phone, so I have no idea if what is posted below is accurate or another perversion of sorts by everyone in the comments.


That’s because your phone is smarter than you, and it knows not to waste it’s time on Stencilbits' worthless posts.  Good job.  You got outsmarted by a robot.


You people are so disgraceful with these comments.  Have you some breaking news of some kind or just commenting just to be trolling?


Post was to OP, not you.  But how nice of you to stroll along and call people names, after whining about name calling after calling people names a few days ago.  Now that you have been noticed for today and gotten attention, go away.

Here is some breaking news, it's been nearly 4 years since the last story update for this game and people are bored with the excuses.

Why are people being so disgraceful with these comments?

Because the dev has the worst work ethic among adult devs. When you make Gumdrop and Icstor look like hard workers you know you have fucked up.

You are aware that he pauses payments and doesn't take any money each month and hasn't for whole time the game has been on hiatus, correct?

Pausing payments is no excuse for gutter tier work ethic. The fact he pauses payments is the only thing stopping him being put at the same level of Icstor and Gumdrop. That and he really has no choice but to pause payments. We're coming up to the 4th year of excuses, lies and outright laziness so if he was charging for this his reputation, what's left of it, would be shot.


Are you having withdrawals after missing just one post?  Sheesh.

Not like you actually missed anything.  Just scroll back and read the last 36 months worth of posts.  It'll tell you the exact same thing.

Pro tip: You can also use this trick for any future posts you may miss.


Well guys, here is the "update", but of course you actually have to do something new to be able to have an update instead of regurgitating the same thing for the past several years, but that's another story.   The Stencilbit family bots will be along shortly to defend and adore every word.

Monthly Update: Squatters Thigs
The first month of the year is soon ending, which means it's time for a brand new monthly update! January has been busy for me in almost every way, including some final script editing. Another part of my time I have been using to make some small code and other contributions to the open-source Godot Game Engine as it is approaching its 4.0 release. That release has been in the making for around 3+ years by now, so I have some sympathy here. One day you might see the interactive adventures of our cast in Godot, Unity or Unreal Engine. As I occasionally use these engines at my day job in some form, I have been quietly evaluating them for the eventual next step in this hobby of mine. But more of that later, once the next release of Offcuts is actually out.
With that out of the way, my last hurdle with Offcuts 0.4 has been mostly proofreading and editing, basic tasks that I could keep doing forever. And sometimes, I feel the more I edit things, the worse the script becomes. It has been mostly release ready for a while, so once I get my other tasks out of the way, I can hopefully and finally gather up my courage and press that release button.
And as always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then).
The rest of the post is mostly copied from my previous updates for those who are new or want to be reminded of what will be coming next. See you in the next post, thanks for your support and patience!


Still editing the script?  Dumbass has only been editing for the past 38 months.

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It has taken him going on 4 years to get to 0.4 and not even there yet.  He thinks he can contribute anything to new engine builds?  I would not trust this newb to do a spellcheck - and wtf is a squatter thig?

(1 edit)

Squatter thig = some kind of 0day leet nerd speek.  Didn't you heer?  He is working on a new engine and codes, which will need to be proofread, edited, and bug tested for 52 years until it enters into obsolescence.  Sort of like this game.


Poor Stencilbits sinking to new lows trying to associate himself with other works to exaggerate his own accomplishments.  Good job.


it's like yanderedev all over again 

i literally have no idea what's going on in these comments, im just tryna see if the game is fun or nah 


Would be far from anything I'd suggest.   Not really a game, just a ridiculously longwinded wordy VN full of annoying characters that never developed much further than a beta, which ironically what the MC is also designed after.  Decisions don't matter and there's literally nothing to do in it other than press the SKIP button.  


You obviously don't care about the game, so why are you and the others always here bashing the dev and the game?  Go find another game.


Go find a nice pile of sand to go pound as you enthusiastically wait for the latest monthly excuse post to print out and frame on the wall.

You obviously care a little bit too much what people think of this game or the moron who is pretending to still be creating it.

woah really? well that sucks I'ma give it a try and see though 

there's a huge mix of "it's a bad game" and "it has potential" or something so im like confused as hell

Maybe 5 years ago it had potential, but any potential has been lost since then.  At least with this dev.  Surprised nobody has tried to clone it in Daz or HS2 yet.

Because nobody gives a shit about this garbage game or loser dev.  The rendering is getting worse and more shitty.  5 star game rating here hahahahahahahaha. 139 patrons.  hahahahahaha. something doesn’t quite add up. gonna guess the dev’s simps constantly support trash while defending it against any and all criticism.



Welp, nothing here in these comments but decay.  I guess these threads could be used as tomorrow's fertilizer seeing how yesterday's whiners are todays complainers, everyone here has complained themselves into a swamp.  These comments now a swamp with those practicing revenge posts and making the swamp bigger and more unbecoming.

I got only a few words far into this post before I stopped reading.

But what I did read is so absolutely false it most likely references the Patreon (where nearly everything is false).


Anybody that thinks anything is actually coming this month is mentally retarded.


Why do these kinds of posts exist?  Many, many questions.  Alas, probably best unanswered.


Probably the same reason you felt the need to share your opinion. Or maybe we've just seen enough posts about imaginary things being released at the end of the month.  About 40 months worth to be exact.  But some angry posts is a bigger issue to you.

For once I agree with you, lots of unanswered questions.

Why is the Patreon buddie club spending so much time here continually baiting people on this comment board?

Why don't they reply with something worthy of an actual member who can think on their own instead of a paid shill?


Not even a huge pile of BS like this and 99% of the comments here can change anyone's mind who is still waiting on the game, so why do this?

Werent you calling people idiots, trolls and other names the other day?  Stop trying to play the victim.  Like I said before, people like you cannot deal with opposing views and lash out so evidently this page and perhaps even the internet are obviously not for you.


You have been spreading the BS nonstop from that blackhole steaming dog pile known as Patreon since you showed up.  Maybe when the goal posts get moved again, you can bring us all up to speed on how quickly the game is being updated since it's only been coming soon for about 4 years now.  So yeah.  Keep waiting on it.


Some here sure love them some Stencilbits.  And with the next excuse he posts later this month, I'm sure they'll fall in love with that as well.


Personally, I have had my fill of the trolls on this page.  A lot of people angry that the dev isn't releasing things on their demand.  These posts should not be allowed further light of day or oxygen.


Yes, you have the right to be a snowflake. Snowflakes are unable to deal with opposing views. Good luck with that.


These posts by hiih8r and gmichael3101 suggest Stencilbits their savior.  I guess it's easy to see with these comments the emotional bonding shared for their idol.


Good to see all playing well on the playground.

Derpers gonna derp.


Your derping is noted.


Your playground.  Your thoughts.  Your projection.  Your anger noted, sorry for the angst.


No angst here, just watching all the whimpering because nobody here got what they want.   Your derping and ignorance noted. 

(1 edit) (-1)

I would say the answer is you and gmichael get a room. Take in some Patreons while you are at it.

ps Your common love for Stencilbits is noted.

No need to share your pornography here, You may be proud of it but this is not the place to share.


What does that English?  I have never seen such twisted English obfuscated replies that are hard to make any sense of.  Do you use a Chinese translator for your posts?


I did not summon you to my office, I am not buying Your attempted sales pitch on cars or conspiracies, not interested in your advances.


So you are going back to China?

My God that was hard to read. I actually had to slow down just to read it.

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That's not surprising, given you obviously enjoy reading the same thing on Patreon month after month after month so you are probably now used to having to read things slow from all the brain damage.

And then you talk about derping, with the Patreon being the epitome of derp.

I never said anything about derping.  Get your facts straight before you go accusing anyone of anything, troll.


Stencilbits is one of the worst developers there is, hasn't made a single update in over 3 years, and some of you people support his charade of excuses.  Good job.  And then you post based on feelz not facts so there's that and you come to Stencilbits' defense at every opportunity so there's that, too.

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I'm just glad we've got the whole troll farm here to keep the rest of us up to date and informed on all things Stencilbits.


I'm also glad to hear about all these updates nobody ever sees.


Nope.  We are just hearing about more than a few's inabilities and shortcomings.


The apologists on here are mind boggling.


This comment board now an example of revenge posters. Tit for Tat, any attempted discussion here a waste of time and effort.  Reality is not this page, but an example of dysfunction.  No real interest watching a pig skin being carried down the cow pasture here.


Well its slow these last few days and I am back in on these threads.

The attempt here to get readers still predominates with salacious comments, I guess thats just the way it is.


Cool made up nonsensical story bro.


Cool worthless trolling story, bro.


Says the one who has done months and months worth of trolling with the others.

Your trolling is noted.


Your note is noted.


Ahhhh, yes , as per the above comments ,making heads explode again, Revenge posters at their finest.Lol. Tit for Tat!


This is not the airport, so nobody cares when you announce your arrival or departure.


Tell you what , you trust whatever you read on Patreon each month or whatever rag that fits your desire. I will decipher what truths I decide that fits mine.

I no longer have tolerance for your view, and I know you have none for mine.


That's ironic.  Nobody has ever cared for your arrival here either.


The stencilbits buddie squad does this every month to detract and draw attention away from their overlord's little Patreon ponzi scheme.


Thank you for your projection because none of this drivel makes any sense whatsoever.

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Apparently I am living in your head, rent free on the daily.

I don't know if I will post anymore today, but try not to wet your pants with excitement if I do post.


Everytime, you throw out these chum filled posts, somewhere in that chum is a hook.  Except in this case, it's nothing but hooks.

You are just here with the others spreading lies and misinformation.


Stencilbits does all this on a monthly basis, yearly even, yet you remain fixated on some angry comments.


And everytime, I reel one of you in.

Time and time again, the squadsters are the first to rush in and respond to my posts. You all wait with baited breath for my every post. You are members of my legion of fans whose life is not complete without my postings. It's kinda you guy's thing.


Don't overthink it.  You shouldn’t strech your brain so much, it’s apparently not suited for heavy thinking processes.

Okay, but this comment page does give your heart an extra beat.  Thanks for the share.


Not that it matters to you, because you are intellectually lazy and dishonest with what is going on here.


Stencilbits tells you to stay signed up and keep waiting for his monthly garbage and you enthusiastically oblige.

The shill armies fail here.


LOL.  You actually said I was intellectually dishonest and the other one has referred to me as spreading lies and disinformation yet you same two are right here promoting for 4 years worth of intellectual dishonesty and misinformation.

You cannot make this stuff up, lmao.

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I actually agree with you for once.  The dev suspends his account each month, yet you idiots are here saying he is scamming everyone.  You are right.  You can't make this up.


Speaking of making things up, oh, I'm sure your Stencilbits will find something stupid he can't wait to share with the world at the end of this month, and then one of us here will immediately shut it down using the very stupidity supplied in his own post, coupled with the intellectual effort that the average grade schooler could provide.  It's very easy to squash his ignorance just as it is to dismiss you as nothing but another stooge.  Have a great evening!


Actually the revenge posting suggests wasted days and wasted nights in pursuit of unicorns.


You could make a positive comment, or at least one that actually makes some kind of semblence of sense. But you’d rather complain about unicorns because you’re a special kind of idiot.

Myself no longer concerned about getting a positive comment from this game, yesterday's chaos now obvious in these comments.  Thanks for YOUR comment though.

You might want to self medicate, you seem agitated, in Agony, relax ….look for some more yellow journalistic posts from Stencilbits drawing unicorns to admire and embellish. Enjoy this playground.


Please, you of all people have no business speaking to the rationality of... anything or anyone.


Don't fret.  Eventually the dev will post the 0.4 and then you can all go get some anger management help and get a life.


Did you dream all this up in your Stencilbits possessed head?


gmichael3101 is a trolling disaster.  Absolutely nothing but shilling and endlessly promoting the crap his dev puts up every month.

You and the other cultists cringe-worthy comments month after month after month while calling other people trolling disasters tells everything we need to know about you.

Good.  Jot it all down and take notes.  I would apologize for my transgressions but I really just don't care that much about it.


Hahaha. You moron. It has taken 3 years to go from v0.3.1 to 0.4 with the last 2 years being nothing but announced bug tests.

3 years. To go from v0.3.1 to 0.4.  And not even there yet.

Hahaha. What a moron.


the minute after some of you are criticized for all these irritating posts, the personal attacks, insults, and childish name calling begin.


I can appreciate your comment and feeling of being isolated. Although these comments has its fors and againsts the reality is your impact will not be realized on this page at best.


What does that shit mean by criticise? It's just two mf clowns with fake accounts who post or reply shit here,they are cocks sucker of dev and mentally challenged,who are made to believe they are some sort of gigs,we as humble human doesn't want to treat these two degraded piece of crap as shit as they are,but still they stir nonsense here.


Being mentally challenged is really more your role here.


Pointing out that some of you who post a lot of easily rebuffed rubbish especially where it fits your agenda and purpose here isn't a personal attack.... it's an observation.


Rebuffed what?  It's not even worthy of attention.

The petulant, juvenile crap and sniping by the followers is ridiculous, which you seem to be fine with.  You people have a sense of self-importance well out of proportion to who and what you are.

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Here he is, with yet another totally worthless piece of junk post jam packed full of excuses just for you!  Hang on to him.  Squeeze him tight.



He needs to just stfu and go silent like any other dev would.  I have more respect for devs who abandon their games and are never heard from again, than I do this miserable display that goes on for years.


Waiting on the twins to tell us all about the new 0.4 update they were sure was going to be coming this month as planned.


lmfao… you think this bothers people who enjoy these games? Funny how such haters are even on this genre… you all are either very immature or just simply uncomfortable in your own skin!! As mentioned move on you effect nobody and nobody cares what you say


I didn't say it bothered them.  Stop being a triggered snowflake.


Are you saying you enjoy playing games that have been dead for years with only two or three routes, and the creator is laughing at everybody still waiting for it to be completed?

Hey don't worry about that idiotic clown nonsense,do you think he's a genuine avn lover or a sensible guy?,nah he's just another of fake account of this mf dev cock sucker whore,who stir nonsense and protect Dev's ass


The fanboys will eat this up almost like the Q crowd with every hope they can unlock and decode the secret messages in each monthly post, hoping to find that hidden treasure map embedded that tells them the super secret release date.


Fan boys? Of some old crap that's abonded years ago? Nope he's just one of dev personal cum dumpster whore fake account shitting and saying nonsense,giving ridiculous execuse just like dev as usual.

Amazing isn't it how some of these people get torqued about some comments but think nothing of the fact they are lied to each and every month by the useless dev.

like i said bud,he isn't some fanboy or loyal patreon(should be consider idiot at this stage,after this long time) but he's fake account created by clowns who are are Dev's cock sucker.


Today people have no need nor desire for Stencilbits or this game. Laziness and lies no longer acceptable or palatable.  Stencilbits intentions have been realized, it seems Angst, frustration and reality of getting to the next morning is now difficult and is shared by the followers.  Gridlock the issue today and worse than yesteryear.


More nonsensical word salad.


And so the gleeful shill speaks.

And when gleeful shills speak, nobody listens.


Gmichael is more of stencilblits cum dumpster, who blubber shit and nonsense here after getting anal fucked by dev and puke here.his name g stands for gay,and 3103 is the no. of clients whose male dog raped him.


it’s actually hilarious at this point and rather intriguing how many people on this site are like this. They form barely coherent sentences and throw constant hate toward everyone they don't agree with


and who are u? Don't be another fake account of this piece of shit guy.


Your mental instability is noted.  Did you forget your meds?


yeah at your mom's house,when i was there last night,would you be kind enough to drop them at my house? , I'm busy with your wife currently.


Where are the mindless drones at to tell us how great this is going to be?  I would have thought they would be here thumping this page hard and drumming up all kinds of support.


I’m sorry but seriously you people choose to keep opening this page bois, the fact that you are complaining as much as you are implies you’re all sad complete losers.

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Well, look who decided to come back, at the end of the month no less.  Right on schedule.  Are you here to backpeddle and try to dodge anything you say, then when that doesn't work you'll run away for a few weeks till the next time you come skulking in again?


So you think everyone are losers who don't believe the same drivel you do, that is consistantly wrong?  If somebody says so on the internet then it must be true, because that's what winners do.  You apparently enjoy reading works of fiction a little too much.


No. Just telling the truth. But it goes against what you are programmed here to believe, so you can't accept it. Cognitive dissonance actually.


I didn't realize that winners continue to stay signed up for things they never receive and enjoy being continually lied to.  You are right.  I should strive to be a real winner like you.


Has Stencilbits gave you a gold star for winning the brown nose contest?


And what gold star is that, if you don't mind sharing with the class.

I see fact and fiction, mostly just fiction here.  It was explained to you guys in the past, but you all keep playing along like you don't have any idea. It's really not that hard to figure out.


You have no facts.  You are just regurgitating fake news from your troll hero Stencilbits.  You both have spewed out so many falsehoods that it is impossible to even address all of them.


I have common sense and I'm hoping to impart it on others so they don't waste their time on this nonsense.

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The dev is not respected by the norm, you exhibit devotion at times and allegiance….extreme behavior. Your lying and trolling here is getting out of hand, suggest you stop.


We already know that 90% of the December post will be copy pasted from last month, which itself was copy pasted from the month before, and so on.

He mixes up and rearranges the first couple of sentences to make it look like he tried to work on an update.


Let us hope with your absolute lack of any semblence of thinking skills whatsoever that you realize when you get on here and develop a game that is any better, then you have the right to complain.


You simply don't like how your nonsense is continually picked apart by those that do not agree with your "conclusions" here.


I just have this to say…….  Till then, keep your mouth shut. Please and thank you.


Fun fact:  No one cares.

Suggest you go do something about your angst.

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I don't know why you are so enraptured by everything that clown shoe Stencilbits says.  Just go pay for a few more tiers to support your favorite scammer dev here, who is rolling out constant updates and bug fixes every month.

What are you waiting for?  Aren't you with the program?  You don't want to be behind next month when he rolls out the final version he has worked tirelessly on for the past 3 years that he's been promising for just as long.


Ground Hog Day, Boring!  The dev Squad must be running out of material!

Lol..🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗 here are your ground hogs 🎄🎄🎄.  Ps to the squad, figure out which one is yours.


Ah, the squad has been pretty scarce these last few days.  Maybe they finally wised up, but I have a hunch one of them will have another epiphany and show up to tell us all about it.


Myself expect this next update to be entertaining.  Looking forward to the purse swinging and the squad to be center stage.

Been a couple of months since I last checked the page.  I see little has changed but then again I really wasn't expecting anything to.

Lots of purse swinging 👜👜👜👜👜.  Welp, looks like those carrying purses no longer carry a manhood.  👠💄


Well, Merry Christmas to everybody here too.

And as we all are gathered together here to celebrate another year in year out of nothing.

See you again next year. 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Did the creator die?


No, he just sits on his ass and posts stupid shit to his patreon for all the autists who enjoy reading the same thing over and over and over again while never doing anything with the game.


Why don't his patrons unsubscribe then?


Many have, myself included.  Dropped his ass after the 0.3.1 phantom update after months of feet dragging.  That was a big nothing of an update, over 2 years ago.  His patron numbers have been slowly diminishing since.

Unfortunately, many others just aren't independent thinkers or decision makers.  And they actually paid this clown so they might as well stay signed up and get their money's worth for all the future clown shows and acts.

The only way he is keeping anybody is he suspends his account each month, which is a giant scam since I think you now have to pay at least $1 just to even join.


Fuck that shit totally understand wish there was more cause the story to this game is half decent I understand why the salt mine here in the comments


I was also patron, and this guy is 100% a fake and he ruined this game.  I wish him nothing but the worst going forward and hope anything he does or starts turns into a complete and total fail.




Micro updates really aren’t an update though.


They are when you are stencilbits and you've run out of lies to post.


Because getting monthly updates with no content at all makes perfect sense to them.

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Haven't seen gmichael and zoro around here building shrines and erecting memorials, which will need to be bug tested and proofread until the year 2078 in keeping with the values of stencilbits tradition, so no I don't think he has.


Give it another week or two when the latest procrastination post drops.

They will hit the ground running letting the internet know how wonderful it was.


Wonder what ole Saint Scammerbits will give us for Christmas this year...

He's making a list... And checkin' it twice...

Gotta find some new excuse, no dice.

The gift of.... NIL!!!

Wrap it in, maannn!!!


Yeah, dev is diligently working on new monthly trashfest for those who love staying in the echo chamber.


Rhetorical question.

Will it be something dumber and more pathetic than anyone could have ever anticipated? 


Getting about that time to dig up the game corpse and parade it around for the December update and act like he's still making a game so his morons can come stroke his ego.


True, but he works hard to produce all these excuses month after month, year after year.  So I have no doubt he'll astonish us with a brand new excuse that is totally unprecedented in the entire world of possible excuses.


He's making a list, He's making a list, He's making a list, He's making a list All he does on Christmas is make a list


He's busy comparing and contrasting all the previous excuses he has used, trying to figure out the best one to use for this month.


Welp, starting 4 years of the movie Ground Hog Day here, boring!



Welp, looks like the patrons just now only want to come here to hurl insults.

Thanks to those from patreon who have joined and trolled the page, you have disappointed.


And how many of you are here gloating over stencilbits sickness and bashing me and the other guy just for offering a difference of opinion?


Yesterday has been replaced with todays angst, the pain deep and never ending.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring and what might bring several to rejoice or howl at the moon in angst.


Have you paid anyone to have a different opinion than the one provided for you?  If you haven't supported anyone to have a different opinion, then your opinion doesn't count and is mildly retarded.


When did I say anybody needed to pay for an opinion?  Do you enjoy making just random garbage up as you go?  


Read that over several times... slowly and then try to comprehend what YOU wrote below...if that's even possible for you.

You go back and reread what I said below, or you can continue to deliberately misconstrue everything I post.  Apparently reading comprehension isn't your thing.

Your intent, your words, your cartoon.  Your demise is in these alienated comments.  Yes, you are a follower, motivated by Stencilbits' hogcrap.  It took a short time for you and I suppose other followers to pick up another stone to throw. Realize your tenure will even be shorter in remembrance.


I feel like I get dumber every time I read one of these stupid posts that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Is there some point to this?


The fact people here keep complaining regardless of whether or not it actually appears is unless you are supporting him is to put it lightly mildly retarded.


Why would anybody support a dead game that gets absolutely zero work put into it?  That is to put it point blank, severely retarded.


Do you not see the posts put on the patreon each month?  Or do you just enjoy coming here to complain?

(2 edits) (+1)

Yes, I actually do see them.  They are comedy gold and basically just the same thing over and over again.  I would literally bet money if he were to copy/paste a post from even two years ago you would be the first to hit the internet telling the world how much work is being put into this project.

People like you, who don't know anything about games continually support and praise scammers on the internet.  It's clear after 3 years and going into 4th and nothing but one excuse and cheap render after another each month this game is 100% dead.  Everyone else has figured it out.  But nobody expects you to come smiling into reality.

(1 edit) (+2)

He is not that much naive as this dumb piece of shit pretend to be, he's just scammer dev himself,this mf is pretending to be someone else on his own page to defend his ass and trying to act as a clueless idiot,just another one of shit act,what could you except from this bastard dev? He could steep more low bud.

You see this dev was never active or ever reply but this bitch of his, Dev's personal cum dumpster just defend Dev's ass all the time whinning for this and that.

(1 edit)

Those posts are the single most ridiculous thing I have ever seen from any dev.  Nothing else comes close.  It makes me bust a gut laughing everytime one pops up



(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Might be himself using proxy IDs,and praising his own shit show called an avn,and now giving lame execuses,why would we waste our money on a motherfuvker like him?


Not the dev.  Point still stands if you aren’t paying for the game your opinion is just that your own.


and who the fuck are you shit retard? Ass licker or cock sucker of dev,telling us shit nonsense and giving us execues from dev side,why should we pay a mf like him who's been milking his patreon with lame excuses for 3 fucking years.

Either you are biggest dumb shit on earth or you are dev personal bitch to defend that loser this much.


My thoughts exactly.


Go wear a diaper and shit in it you bunch of babies.


Since when did anybody need to pay to have an opinion on something?

I don't understand this leg humper logic.

Bullshit.  Nobody is going to pay for shit that isn't even worked on.  Well, nobody except you by spending your whole life savings on a garbage dev.  The whole $20 of it.

Your words are appeasing your own ears.  You have wasted time and monies on used car sales pitches.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Either the useless dev himself with his begging cup stuck out again, or some of his personal associates from the patron page.

In some cases.  But this post is ignorant at best.


OMG, get a damn life people.

The dude is sick with the flu and everyone here is still moaning about this game.


What the hell do you expect anyone to do?  Send him a get well soon card and a balloon?  Take the next flight out and fly in to give him a big hug?

I mean like, really.  Nobody cares.  Go kick rocks.


Welp, i guess they all now expect tribute or homage paid.  throw stencilbits and his minions out with the dishwasher.



What homage and tribute have you guys prepared for king Stencilbits today?


Myself not a participant in the religion here, just an observer on this playground.  this comment board a playground from reality, take it for what it is.  if you are entertained enjoy, seek not favor or redemption here, time spent is time served.


I can't respond to these nonsensical cryptic posts.  Sad how you people just crumble.


Excuse me, I must have missed where I told anyone to go fly to his house or send balloons.  YOU go kick rocks you arrogant jerk.


Exactly the reply I expected.  Go sit down.

Why not?  Every clown in a circus attraction needs a balloon.

Anything for these gullible people to keep coming here to stroke and fondle the dev over.


Oh look.  The dev sent some dogs here to mislead the people again.  Well then don't mind us ungrateful scumbags, this game is in constant progress and the dev is holy Jesus himself.


Maybe they should go construct an altar to pray to and worship the dev at their convenience.


The flu?  Wtf is wrong with that shit.  Maybe now he'll give us all monthly updates and patron posts with a cheap new render on his recovery.


Well of course.  We must be kept up to date and up to speed on all the other pointless happenings.  Whatever it takes to detract from the main issue.


I'm sure the worshippers here are already falling over in anticipation of such.  How will they contain themselves when his long road to recovery hits the internet?


Somebody you don't like is sick and you think it's funny because he won't update your stupid game.  Grow up.


Well at least now you admit he won't update it and the whole idea there is still a game at this point is stupid.  That's a step in the right direction.  Now just try not to go walking off the cliff after the December post where he goes to China on vacation and ends up in quarantine thus excusing himself again and you'll be doing alright.


Well fuck that dev,we are his customers not his parents to care for his health,if he can't give us our goods then fuck him,and at least you agree that this avn is stupid and shitty.

I wonder if gmichael has been busy nursing his king stencilbits back to strength?

Poor dev probably wore himself out working hard on all the nothing burgers he has provided the masses over the years.

I guess if he runs out of suppositories, he could always use his shills.


The monthly Patron posts are just clickbait garbage.  Any moron can make stuff up for clicks and likes, especially when there is no focus of the game at all. Useless drivel that the masses who can't think for themselves are supporting. 


Stencilbits is in the midst of his current latest and most up to date update that everybody has been waiting on and already seen for the last 36 months straight.

Let's get some excitement back in this dead room.


I think it's dead, bro.


Yup, reading this stupid fail of a game page is a well known symptom of deadness.  There's not enough volts that could shock this thing back to life.  There ain't no coming back.


The game didn't fail.  The dev made thousands from retards over the years, and those same retards are still paying him each and every month to do absolutely nothing and then act like it's the most greatest thing each time he posts about it.


Another talentless loser cuck releases a pile of dogshit and opens a Patreon to defraud the morons. Business here as usual.



LOL.  Dead page.

Anybody bothered to check and see if the latest dump pile of excuses and postponement has been posted for the long awaited 0.4 update that has been coming soon since late 2019?

I imagine it shan't be too hard for ole Stencilbits to reword a previous update from two years ago and plaster it for the masses and act like it's brand new.



This guy gets it.


Where are the resident stencilbit worshippers gmichael and zoroastra at to tell us how great this update was?


The patreons do entertain on this playground.  But their numbers are dwindling.


I haven't bothered to read this months post.  The level of autism they have reached at this point is off the charts, literally a new level that should not be possible.

Whatever got posted, I'm sure it'll result in more expired brain cells than the last month's post.


You haven't missed anything.

Apparently the latest excuse is he has the Flu and is crippled from the neck down and can't do anything.

How savante-gourd novel, new, refreshing, interesting, unique,singular, neoteric,cutting edge, modernistic, breaking new ground, fresh and innovative.


When he gets over it he'll be crippled from the neck up again and still won't be able to do anything.  Back to business as usual.


Lol more sale.

Round and round we go, maybe, possibly, hopefully, probably.

Those are all the first lines of sales pitches.  When in doubt on the latest sales con and scam, refer to the Stencilbits handbook.

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