He needs to just stfu and go silent like any other dev would. I have more respect for devs who abandon their games and are never heard from again, than I do this miserable display that goes on for years.
lmfao… you think this bothers people who enjoy these games? Funny how such haters are even on this genre… you all are either very immature or just simply uncomfortable in your own skin!! As mentioned move on you effect nobody and nobody cares what you say
Are you saying you enjoy playing games that have been dead for years with only two or three routes, and the creator is laughing at everybody still waiting for it to be completed?
Hey don't worry about that idiotic clown nonsense,do you think he's a genuine avn lover or a sensible guy?,nah he's just another of fake account of this mf dev cock sucker whore,who stir nonsense and protect Dev's ass
The fanboys will eat this up almost like the Q crowd with every hope they can unlock and decode the secret messages in each monthly post, hoping to find that hidden treasure map embedded that tells them the super secret release date.
Fan boys? Of some old crap that's abonded years ago? Nope he's just one of dev personal cum dumpster whore fake account shitting and saying nonsense,giving ridiculous execuse just like dev as usual.
Amazing isn't it how some of these people get torqued about some comments but think nothing of the fact they are lied to each and every month by the useless dev.
like i said bud,he isn't some fanboy or loyal patreon(should be consider idiot at this stage,after this long time) but he's fake account created by clowns who are are Dev's cock sucker.
Today people have no need nor desire for Stencilbits or this game. Laziness and lies no longer acceptable or palatable. Stencilbits intentions have been realized, it seems Angst, frustration and reality of getting to the next morning is now difficult and is shared by the followers. Gridlock the issue today and worse than yesteryear.
Gmichael is more of stencilblits cum dumpster, who blubber shit and nonsense here after getting anal fucked by dev and puke here.his name g stands for gay,and 3103 is the no. of clients whose male dog raped him.
it’s actually hilarious at this point and rather intriguing how many people on this site are like this. They form barely coherent sentences and throw constant hate toward everyone they don't agree with
Where are the mindless drones at to tell us how great this is going to be? I would have thought they would be here thumping this page hard and drumming up all kinds of support.
I’m sorry but seriously you people choose to keep opening this page bois, the fact that you are complaining as much as you are implies you’re all sad complete losers.
Well, look who decided to come back, at the end of the month no less. Right on schedule. Are you here to backpeddle and try to dodge anything you say, then when that doesn't work you'll run away for a few weeks till the next time you come skulking in again?
So you think everyone are losers who don't believe the same drivel you do, that is consistantly wrong? If somebody says so on the internet then it must be true, because that's what winners do. You apparently enjoy reading works of fiction a little too much.
I didn't realize that winners continue to stay signed up for things they never receive and enjoy being continually lied to. You are right. I should strive to be a real winner like you.
And what gold star is that, if you don't mind sharing with the class.
I see fact and fiction, mostly just fiction here. It was explained to you guys in the past, but you all keep playing along like you don't have any idea. It's really not that hard to figure out.
You have no facts. You are just regurgitating fake news from your troll hero Stencilbits. You both have spewed out so many falsehoods that it is impossible to even address all of them.
The dev is not respected by the norm, you exhibit devotion at times and allegiance….extreme behavior. Your lying and trolling here is getting out of hand, suggest you stop.
Let us hope with your absolute lack of any semblence of thinking skills whatsoever that you realize when you get on here and develop a game that is any better, then you have the right to complain.
I don't know why you are so enraptured by everything that clown shoe Stencilbits says. Just go pay for a few more tiers to support your favorite scammer dev here, who is rolling out constant updates and bug fixes every month.
What are you waiting for? Aren't you with the program? You don't want to be behind next month when he rolls out the final version he has worked tirelessly on for the past 3 years that he's been promising for just as long.
Ah, the squad has been pretty scarce these last few days. Maybe they finally wised up, but I have a hunch one of them will have another epiphany and show up to tell us all about it.
No, he just sits on his ass and posts stupid shit to his patreon for all the autists who enjoy reading the same thing over and over and over again while never doing anything with the game.
Many have, myself included. Dropped his ass after the 0.3.1 phantom update after months of feet dragging. That was a big nothing of an update, over 2 years ago. His patron numbers have been slowly diminishing since.
Unfortunately, many others just aren't independent thinkers or decision makers. And they actually paid this clown so they might as well stay signed up and get their money's worth for all the future clown shows and acts.
The only way he is keeping anybody is he suspends his account each month, which is a giant scam since I think you now have to pay at least $1 just to even join.
I was also patron, and this guy is 100% a fake and he ruined this game. I wish him nothing but the worst going forward and hope anything he does or starts turns into a complete and total fail.
Haven't seen gmichael and zoro around here building shrines and erecting memorials, which will need to be bug tested and proofread until the year 2078 in keeping with the values of stencilbits tradition, so no I don't think he has.
Getting about that time to dig up the game corpse and parade it around for the December update and act like he's still making a game so his morons can come stroke his ego.
True, but he works hard to produce all these excuses month after month, year after year. So I have no doubt he'll astonish us with a brand new excuse that is totally unprecedented in the entire world of possible excuses.
Have you paid anyone to have a different opinion than the one provided for you? If you haven't supported anyone to have a different opinion, then your opinion doesn't count and is mildly retarded.
You go back and reread what I said below, or you can continue to deliberately misconstrue everything I post. Apparently reading comprehension isn't your thing.
Your intent, your words, your cartoon. Your demise is in these alienated comments. Yes, you are a follower, motivated by Stencilbits' hogcrap. It took a short time for you and I suppose other followers to pick up another stone to throw. Realize your tenure will even be shorter in remembrance.
The fact people here keep complaining regardless of whether or not it actually appears is unless you are supporting him is to put it lightly mildly retarded.
Yes, I actually do see them. They are comedy gold and basically just the same thing over and over again. I would literally bet money if he were to copy/paste a post from even two years ago you would be the first to hit the internet telling the world how much work is being put into this project.
People like you, who don't know anything about games continually support and praise scammers on the internet. It's clear after 3 years and going into 4th and nothing but one excuse and cheap render after another each month this game is 100% dead. Everyone else has figured it out. But nobody expects you to come smiling into reality.
He is not that much naive as this dumb piece of shit pretend to be, he's just scammer dev himself,this mf is pretending to be someone else on his own page to defend his ass and trying to act as a clueless idiot,just another one of shit act,what could you except from this bastard dev? He could steep more low bud.
You see this dev was never active or ever reply but this bitch of his, Dev's personal cum dumpster just defend Dev's ass all the time whinning for this and that.
Those posts are the single most ridiculous thing I have ever seen from any dev. Nothing else comes close. It makes me bust a gut laughing everytime one pops up
Might be himself using proxy IDs,and praising his own shit show called an avn,and now giving lame execuses,why would we waste our money on a motherfuvker like him?
and who the fuck are you shit retard? Ass licker or cock sucker of dev,telling us shit nonsense and giving us execues from dev side,why should we pay a mf like him who's been milking his patreon with lame excuses for 3 fucking years.
Either you are biggest dumb shit on earth or you are dev personal bitch to defend that loser this much.
Bullshit. Nobody is going to pay for shit that isn't even worked on. Well, nobody except you by spending your whole life savings on a garbage dev. The whole $20 of it.
Myself not a participant in the religion here, just an observer on this playground. this comment board a playground from reality, take it for what it is. if you are entertained enjoy, seek not favor or redemption here, time spent is time served.
Oh look. The dev sent some dogs here to mislead the people again. Well then don't mind us ungrateful scumbags, this game is in constant progress and the dev is holy Jesus himself.
I'm sure the worshippers here are already falling over in anticipation of such. How will they contain themselves when his long road to recovery hits the internet?
Well at least now you admit he won't update it and the whole idea there is still a game at this point is stupid. That's a step in the right direction. Now just try not to go walking off the cliff after the December post where he goes to China on vacation and ends up in quarantine thus excusing himself again and you'll be doing alright.
Well fuck that dev,we are his customers not his parents to care for his health,if he can't give us our goods then fuck him,and at least you agree that this avn is stupid and shitty.
The monthly Patron posts are just clickbait garbage. Any moron can make stuff up for clicks and likes, especially when there is no focus of the game at all. Useless drivel that the masses who can't think for themselves are supporting.
Stencilbits is in the midst of his current latest and most up to date update that everybody has been waiting on and already seen for the last 36 months straight.
Yup, reading this stupid fail of a game page is a well known symptom of deadness. There's not enough volts that could shock this thing back to life. There ain't no coming back.
The game didn't fail. The dev made thousands from retards over the years, and those same retards are still paying him each and every month to do absolutely nothing and then act like it's the most greatest thing each time he posts about it.
Anybody bothered to check and see if the latest dump pile of excuses and postponement has been posted for the long awaited 0.4 update that has been coming soon since late 2019?
I imagine it shan't be too hard for ole Stencilbits to reword a previous update from two years ago and plaster it for the masses and act like it's brand new.
I haven't bothered to read this months post. The level of autism they have reached at this point is off the charts, literally a new level that should not be possible.
Whatever got posted, I'm sure it'll result in more expired brain cells than the last month's post.
Come on, ya'll. Cut stencils some slack. Laying around with your begging cup reposting the same crap every month and pretending you're still making a game is hard work.
This is obviously dead and abandoned, after 100,000 years and 482 rewrites. And yet somehow this clown act still has patrons despite having vanished years ago. Imagine being such a dumbass that not only do you still support a guy who has less work ethic than a comatose ape, but you are still giving him money just to see his repetitive shit posts early every month. Rofl. Fucking losers.
I would pay money to see what you look like and what you do in real life. It's so funny to see you losers get mad over porn games and try to act like an alpha, when you're really just an insecure virgin still living with their mom and sniffing her panties at the age of 40.
Welp, the boat has set sail on further updates. I suspect we will see pastel coloring books next as an offering on this playground, the money to spend is no longer there as the inclination has dried up these last dozen updates.
The comment board does seem bare these last few days. Suspect interest in this con is waning.
Hopefully better options are before you as this game erodes your common sense, sanity, and dignity.
The Stencilbits derangement syndrome of those still coming to shill in the comments below for the creator are obvious and have been realized. Looks like today's projectors have projected what they are being told, likely a result of a couple video games and a bad work ethic in the local Pizza Hut.
It's interesting when you pull this guy's patreon up and summarize for the past year. I'm not going to post everything, just key snippets.
Basically, whenever it gets close to being ready, something happens. This guy is full of shit.
I need to figure out now how to restore my literacy after reading through and trying to make sense of this amalgamation of utter horse manure.
Last updated: August 18th, 2019
January: I spent some extra time testing things out, already made a test release build.
Febuary: And finally, the long promised 0.4 release date (drumroll): 3rd of April
March: as a final insult my computer's data hard disk died or was damaged during the move
April: I have managed to restore most things correctly from backups. Unfortunately, some things were lost.
May: Things are mostly ready for release 0.4 again!
June: I can now again focus better on finishing some of the old content for 0.4 and putting it out
July: Anyway, the point is that release is near.
August: I'll try to find some good time slot to push out a final test release at some point during September
September: The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system.
October: The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system.
It's time to leave yesterday's manure to fertilize this good Earth. There are more suited things to discuss than those that consume time and exposure of things that could be handled better.
Many are too occupied playing on this playground whether they have achieved status as kindergarten or fifth grader, and repeatedly fall into the trap left by this creator on his myriad number of sites.
Suggest you buy a lottery ticket. You have greater chance of winning 1.5 billion than winning anything here.
What a train wreck. Decent first few versions, then the dev suffered brain damage and now spends years supposedly remaking the game but only posting the same thing over and over about it. So fucking dumb. Just what the world was waiting for.
Not sure what the halloween horror edition was supposed to be for this last update, but I will say it was at least aptly named as the update was pretty horrible itself.
Sounds as if he is running out of things to say about the so called 0.4 release, he even admits to it. When all you do is jerk off to your own porn for 3 years and then post about it every month, you will eventually reach that point.
I'm actually disappointed. I expected more creativity from this month's long awaited and anticipated update.
Actually. I don't even remember what it said. It was that lame so apparently it wasn't worth remembering. And I literally just read it a few hours ago.
Play scammer games released by scammer devs… get scammer content.
But that’s OK. Because some incel will melt down and be along briefly to tell what a great inceltastic game this is and how much work is being put into this defunct piece of crap nobody touches, because they don’t know anything about games.
Sure kid, just like you. Difference being I'm mostly just here to laugh at you while I play these non-existent updates you've been waiting on so desperately for years yet only took me a couple tries to find lmao.
Every post I've seen from you so far is ignorant and coming from someone who obviously went and read up somewhere else about this game being updated from someone else that is also ignorant and then coming here to try and sound like they know what they're talking about.
Go hang out on the discord with the rest of the virtue signallers.
Actually enjoying you and yours on this teeter totter. Your actions and time suggest diligence of desire to continue, your labeling as the wronged suggest the pain you endure.
I am an observer you and yours the participants. Selling Yellow Journalism, my observation and review: Yellow Journalism for sale, not buying no value.
These updates are just too dumb for me and stupid as hell to keep following. Been a year since I last checked the site and I see little has changed. Ashes to ashes for this one. But it will still be available in 5 years on this site because no one ever takes out the trash.
The next update is for Alice and once that has dropped he'll be looking at Steam but they have been iffy with adult games recently. Next chapter will be released in smaller chunks.
Also, just some bugs left to fix and then it will be going to testers.
*insert monthly picture here to make it look like dev has bothered to do some rendering*.
And with that, your eagerly awaited monthly update has been ruined because this is all new information we haven't heard every month for the past 3 years.
Funny thing is, if he combined on these pointless renders each month he'd have enough to actually make a game with while complaining the whole time for years and years he is unable to do anything.
I have no expectations when it comes to this dev. Literally one of the worst, even worse than Icstor. At least Icstor does sometimes actually manage to finish something, this one here doesn't even make an effort.
Welp, Patreons are not the best forecasters or judges of people. In fact when it comes to comments on release dates those casting 81,000,000 votes for coming soon or next month seems to only impress respondents on the patron page.
I suspect many Patreons will share further philosophies by towel slapping in the bathroom when the next monthly update drops.
The patron page literally depicts the dev's finest work. He has devoted more time and effort to filling it with garbage every month than he has on the actual game.
You might want to run this comment through the Mary Poppins disinformation czar Stencilbits himself. Let him know the game is coming soon, because he apparently forgot about it.
In all honesty, it had a slight glimmer to be a decent game, but the dev flat out murdered that.
Now it serves as a shining example of how not to make games. I eagerly await this thing to finally be posted up on and make it's grandiose debut to Steam so they can rip it to shreds. I actually may be waiting for that more than I am the game (and I'm not).
Well, even if it really is dead, it still has +/- 15 hours of perfectly good content.
Most abandoned projects get abandoned long before putting in that much effort.
Still, I'd prefer if it weren't dead so I'm just putting it on my long-term follow list. Along with the dozens of other interesting-but-on-Hiatus projects.
every once in a while, some old thing I nearly forgot about completely still releases an interesting update a decade later.
That's great. Two years is not long enough and perfectly good, so you can just stay signed up for the next decade waiting in non-stop anticipation for the rest of it.
This comment was so bad you literally caused me to scroll up and see if I was posting on itch.io again.
Is putting something on a watch list I check once a year "perfectly good"?
well, up to your interpretation I guess.
Not like I'm standing around doing nothing but wait till then so I'd have long forgotten the game after a year if I didn't put it on that list. *shrugs*
Maybe this shithead of a dev should hand out free drugs. That way we be on the same cloud as that dumbshit that writes the monthly overview so then we can understand the spastic idiocy spewed every month like clockwork but never does anything with this fucking game.
A lack of updates does not 'ruin' the game - what exists does not change. It just means the people who wanted more are dissatisfied and start whining in the comments section. *shrugs*
If you want to say it ruins anything - it'd be the dev's chance to make money from his game since a good portion of his target audience will have started ignoring the game title if he really does release a big update later.
You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Try creating a game and letting it sit unattended for 12 months, and see if anyone is still jumping up and down over it. Then let it sit for 3 years, and see if you can actually build or keep any support after wrecking your reputation.
The test releases he keeps mentioning are patrician-tier-only beta-releases. Who seem to have been actually released at times, but never to the public at large. So no luck for you unlikable freeloaders.
Next public version is 0.4 but won't be out for (...some time?). Which is also when Patreon charges will resume.
I've also verified Patreon charges are effectively paused atm - so yea, there goes you guys' meaningless hate parade without a leg to stand on.
You have been dismissed from this playground due to your inability to sway others and sucker people into donating money to your misguided fantasies, so you are projecting again. Time to move on.
t hen I suggest you get the fuck outta here with this shitty half assed barely legible patron filled piece of shit. Omg what a piece of shit, don't waste ur time.
Yes, we know. You ignore everything you don't want to see and hear like any other snowflake. This is the internet. You should bring your own safe space because one obviously won't be provided for you.
Has anyone actually ever saw one of these? I dropped the patron scam before 0.3.1 and never saw the first one and it's been one fake news post after another since.
Maybe after I actually get around to clearing all current content - be a bit awkward to ask for a beta version if I've only gone through one of the (three or more?) currently available paths lol.
Here it is, ladies and gents. Here is the massive update for this month.
Get your barf bags ready.
Coming soon, expect it soon, excuses. The trifecta of caustic dumbassery.
Monthly Update: Carry-on Baggage Edition
Time flies and September is nearly ending, so it's time for another monthly update! The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system. Managing complex state properly through those transitions can get tricky. Other than that, no news (which is good). All has been said and done in the previous updates, I'll just have to crawl through the finish line at some point and get 0.4 out of the door. Expect a test release at some point when I have sorted out those few remaining bugs.
Test-releases are what gets released to the 9-dollar tier patreons. Nothing ever mentioned any public updates before 0.4's general release. Which is future music.
As others have already said, you do not have a clue about, well anything. There have never been any test releases, and I'm not wasting my time on you explaining it.
At the end of the month, the simps are distributed out and all show up to talk about what an astronomical update just dropped, so astronomical it'll be out next month. Every time.
That would be congruent with there still being a product left, and I'm not convinced there even is at this point. Game's dead and done. That's just the facts.
Generic names. Generic responses. A blank profile and the fact nobody with a functioning brain impulse would post that moronic garbage praising something that has been in the works for 2 years with regurgitated excuses.
That's not a patron. That's probably the dev using a junk account to post on his own page.
What would be the point? His patreon account isn't charging any money atm. It would be a waste of the effort to dump perfectly good garbage.
it's far more likely that he got a little too ambitious in redoing everything from scratch while only really working on it as a hobby after a full-time job.
The whole monthly post render bullshit is just a giant sham to stay known while he fingers his asshole each month. He's working on this while rebuilding everything? Bullshit. He's holding on to the few newbs who continue joining his page while he works behind the curtain on another project.
yupper. everybody got cucked again this month, but the all the morons be like "ooooh, it's coming soon so I'll sign up again next month" after reading the latest dung that promises it again next month.
A difference of opinion is not trolling, and you weren't even aware of that word until you were accused of it. So congratulations. You managed to actually learn a new word and expand your otherwise rather limited vocabulary.
This has to be one of the biggest pieces of garbage here. Totally pathetic. Month after month, year after year. It's a safe bet he doesn't even still have the thing and is trying to stay relevant until he can launch his next game he will kick to the corner after a year.
If you had bothered to actually look at the last time this was updated, simple question, do tell us when it was last updated? Then tell us more about who looks silly thinking it's just right around the corner.
But overall, don't feel too bad when you finally do go look. I'm sure those of you still waiting and signing up, hanging on every word that pops up each month can easily find acceptance with the bronies.
been "paused" since august 2019. actually before that as that was the last fake news update that added absolutely nothing. but that don't matter, as reading all your comments below you are obviously here to make excuses. so when you get ur pile of monthly excuses and procrastination, you will know you are getting ur money's and time worth.
this whole comment is just dumb. you act as if he is somehow still making and releasing anything, when he obviously isnt. not since 2019. you think the complaints are bad because of the lack of updates and continuous excuses? you are either trolling or just don't know anything about games.
Well, September is drawing to a close and the latest and greatest Stencilbits monthly update is just right around the corner.
Aren't you guys excited? I know I am, as I can't wait to roll my eyes out of their socket when he tells us about how far he has been set back after his latest disasterous meltdown, seeing as how things have been "mostly ready for 0.4" since the end of May after looking good enough to be ready February 19th after fighting 0.4 to the finish line in Novemeber 2021 and then after coming soon since April 2020.
Excited? No. Curious what this month's reasoning behind yet another delay to be added on top the other endless delays, or where the goal post has been moved to this time? Absolutely.
I doubt this lazy ass creator is going to move out of the basement. That would require him to actually get a job and quit relying on handouts, and as many as he says he goes through, that's not going to happen.
Stencilbits was too busy rewriting the game and rebuilding his fried computer, changing careers, moving all over the world, and sending relentless monthly alerts pimping new release dates that never arrive for any of that this month, so he'll see you again next month.
When the game did those tests at the start and then went <"that was it"> I totally thought 'Ahh, now I get all the complaining.' You guys set my expectations too damn low xD.
Bit choppy writing in the prologue. (I have feeling > I have a feeling etc).
The mouth and eyes on the moving pictures somehow... shifts? That would work so much better for a scary horror story xD
There are a number of random time skips with no real warning or context - that can feel a bit jarring.
On a more positive note, I rather like the art, it feels original - or has something to it that I haven't seen in similar games.
The writing does improve after the intro. The swaying characters grew on me after a while too and the character building / story itself is pretty good.
I didn't get to the end of the current version in one sitting. Overall, I'd say just what I've seen so far is already much better than many of the games I've played before have ever gotten so updates or no - the negativity here is way overkill.
Maybe it isn't the gmichael guy who's on someone's payroll eh...?
the patreons are just trash from the same dumpster and also it's what happens when you can't figure out when you are being lied to. at this point they don't need an update, they need psychiatric help
I played it for +/- three hours between my first and second post. The only info I have on past events is the hate-rant in here which is rarely objective, So I just took a look at the game as it is for myself, without considering future updates - since those seem to not be coming if you guys are to be believed.
Appreciate your angst in feeling controlled. Myself not concerned or in agreement. Suggest you evaluate your position in your hobby and set another plan in motion.
All patron posts here are from Never Never Land, Patreon is the Playground of Peter Pan. I understand your monthly donation to Patreon now results in your spending time and monies posting cartoons of sheep and exercising your preconceived fantasy, and the dev appreciates your continued contributions to his unemployment fund.
Well the playground here never disappoints and entertains. Time to get back to reality and leave this never never land.
It is funny how you all keep saying it is dead and abandoned when the dude puts out updates every month. It is being worked on, so don't like it then gfy nobody cares.
He pahses the patreon each month and doesnt take payments.
I guess this is what all the millennials and smartphone kids who only ever read about games on the internet think what updating anything actually looks like.
He's not working on anything. And even if he is, who the hell cares at this point. Games that go 12 months with no updates are dead. Games that go 3 years? Nobody will care about it.
trying to read this shit made my eyes bleed and what kinda dumbass puts only an half assed fuck fest like this up every month and thinks he is doing a good job
Get a damn life and stop patrolling the comment pages and defending a dev that doesn’t give a fuck about you, unless you are the dev in which it doesn’t come as a surprise that you’d go to such length to defend your trash.
Rather than making his own game, he needs a tutorial on how to leave a proper negative review.
This one is far too personal and doesn't have a grain of constructive criticism or areas to improve upon, which means it gets discarded as random trash-talk from a hater, regardless of the game being good or bad.
Or maybe, people are tired of hearing regurgitated excuses month after month after month from a guy who clearly doesn't even have any interest in his game at this point.
That's what some people call a clue. But this is itch.io and literally the land and home of the blind leading the blind which is why we have clueless comments like this.
this game is dead due to a dev who decided to start on another project while keeping the rotting corpse of this one alive so he can keep whatever are still dumb enough to pay for it. this place is full of fucking trash games and fucking trash devs. TRASH!
I'm pretty sure the Patreon page mentions it's on Hiatus - so no payments are actually billed until it's status changes back to 'active'...
EDIT: I'm not actually sure about that, seems to have changed a couple times? Ask one of the 144 People still in it if they're being billed I guess?
Looked it up in his most recent post, it's clearly intended to be paused anyway:
"And as always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then)."
Joined on the 1-dollar tier out of sheer curiosity - I'll know for sure if it's got payments paused by the end of the month ;P
PS: That last line was utterly unnecessary. Itch is a free community, *most* games here - including this one - are available for free and anyone who feels so inclined can post their creations on it. The quality of the devs - and their work - is in no way guaranteed and should be judged on individual basis.
the patron page mentions each month every month it is in developement. i know it is hard but try to keep up, that has gone on for YEARS.
and you joined the patreon anyway? LOLOLOL!!!!!
do tell me more about the patrons and it coming soon while you stay signed up for months and months and months while the same garbage is puked up every month. this is comedy gold
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Here he is, with yet another totally worthless piece of junk post jam packed full of excuses just for you! Hang on to him. Squeeze him tight.
He needs to just stfu and go silent like any other dev would. I have more respect for devs who abandon their games and are never heard from again, than I do this miserable display that goes on for years.
Waiting on the twins to tell us all about the new 0.4 update they were sure was going to be coming this month as planned.
lmfao… you think this bothers people who enjoy these games? Funny how such haters are even on this genre… you all are either very immature or just simply uncomfortable in your own skin!! As mentioned move on you effect nobody and nobody cares what you say
I didn't say it bothered them. Stop being a triggered snowflake.
Are you saying you enjoy playing games that have been dead for years with only two or three routes, and the creator is laughing at everybody still waiting for it to be completed?
Hey don't worry about that idiotic clown nonsense,do you think he's a genuine avn lover or a sensible guy?,nah he's just another of fake account of this mf dev cock sucker whore,who stir nonsense and protect Dev's ass
The fanboys will eat this up almost like the Q crowd with every hope they can unlock and decode the secret messages in each monthly post, hoping to find that hidden treasure map embedded that tells them the super secret release date.
Fan boys? Of some old crap that's abonded years ago? Nope he's just one of dev personal cum dumpster whore fake account shitting and saying nonsense,giving ridiculous execuse just like dev as usual.
Amazing isn't it how some of these people get torqued about some comments but think nothing of the fact they are lied to each and every month by the useless dev.
like i said bud,he isn't some fanboy or loyal patreon(should be consider idiot at this stage,after this long time) but he's fake account created by clowns who are are Dev's cock sucker.
Today people have no need nor desire for Stencilbits or this game. Laziness and lies no longer acceptable or palatable. Stencilbits intentions have been realized, it seems Angst, frustration and reality of getting to the next morning is now difficult and is shared by the followers. Gridlock the issue today and worse than yesteryear.
More nonsensical word salad.
And so the gleeful shill speaks.
And when gleeful shills speak, nobody listens.
Gmichael is more of stencilblits cum dumpster, who blubber shit and nonsense here after getting anal fucked by dev and puke here.his name g stands for gay,and 3103 is the no. of clients whose male dog raped him.
it’s actually hilarious at this point and rather intriguing how many people on this site are like this. They form barely coherent sentences and throw constant hate toward everyone they don't agree with
and who are u? Don't be another fake account of this piece of shit guy.
Your mental instability is noted. Did you forget your meds?
yeah at your mom's house,when i was there last night,would you be kind enough to drop them at my house? , I'm busy with your wife currently.
Where are the mindless drones at to tell us how great this is going to be? I would have thought they would be here thumping this page hard and drumming up all kinds of support.
I’m sorry but seriously you people choose to keep opening this page bois, the fact that you are complaining as much as you are implies you’re all sad complete losers.
Well, look who decided to come back, at the end of the month no less. Right on schedule. Are you here to backpeddle and try to dodge anything you say, then when that doesn't work you'll run away for a few weeks till the next time you come skulking in again?
So you think everyone are losers who don't believe the same drivel you do, that is consistantly wrong? If somebody says so on the internet then it must be true, because that's what winners do. You apparently enjoy reading works of fiction a little too much.
No. Just telling the truth. But it goes against what you are programmed here to believe, so you can't accept it. Cognitive dissonance actually.
I didn't realize that winners continue to stay signed up for things they never receive and enjoy being continually lied to. You are right. I should strive to be a real winner like you.
Has Stencilbits gave you a gold star for winning the brown nose contest?
And what gold star is that, if you don't mind sharing with the class.
I see fact and fiction, mostly just fiction here. It was explained to you guys in the past, but you all keep playing along like you don't have any idea. It's really not that hard to figure out.
You have no facts. You are just regurgitating fake news from your troll hero Stencilbits. You both have spewed out so many falsehoods that it is impossible to even address all of them.
I have common sense and I'm hoping to impart it on others so they don't waste their time on this nonsense.
The dev is not respected by the norm, you exhibit devotion at times and allegiance….extreme behavior. Your lying and trolling here is getting out of hand, suggest you stop.
We already know that 90% of the December post will be copy pasted from last month, which itself was copy pasted from the month before, and so on.
He mixes up and rearranges the first couple of sentences to make it look like he tried to work on an update.
Let us hope with your absolute lack of any semblence of thinking skills whatsoever that you realize when you get on here and develop a game that is any better, then you have the right to complain.
You simply don't like how your nonsense is continually picked apart by those that do not agree with your "conclusions" here.
I just have this to say……. Till then, keep your mouth shut. Please and thank you.
Fun fact: No one cares.
Suggest you go do something about your angst.
I don't know why you are so enraptured by everything that clown shoe Stencilbits says. Just go pay for a few more tiers to support your favorite scammer dev here, who is rolling out constant updates and bug fixes every month.
What are you waiting for? Aren't you with the program? You don't want to be behind next month when he rolls out the final version he has worked tirelessly on for the past 3 years that he's been promising for just as long.
Ground Hog Day, Boring! The dev Squad must be running out of material!
Lol..🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗 here are your ground hogs 🎄🎄🎄. Ps to the squad, figure out which one is yours.
Ah, the squad has been pretty scarce these last few days. Maybe they finally wised up, but I have a hunch one of them will have another epiphany and show up to tell us all about it.
Myself expect this next update to be entertaining. Looking forward to the purse swinging and the squad to be center stage.
Been a couple of months since I last checked the page. I see little has changed but then again I really wasn't expecting anything to.
Lots of purse swinging 👜👜👜👜👜. Welp, looks like those carrying purses no longer carry a manhood. 👠💄
Well, Merry Christmas to everybody here too.
And as we all are gathered together here to celebrate another year in year out of nothing.
See you again next year. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Did the creator die?
No, he just sits on his ass and posts stupid shit to his patreon for all the autists who enjoy reading the same thing over and over and over again while never doing anything with the game.
Why don't his patrons unsubscribe then?
Many have, myself included. Dropped his ass after the 0.3.1 phantom update after months of feet dragging. That was a big nothing of an update, over 2 years ago. His patron numbers have been slowly diminishing since.
Unfortunately, many others just aren't independent thinkers or decision makers. And they actually paid this clown so they might as well stay signed up and get their money's worth for all the future clown shows and acts.
The only way he is keeping anybody is he suspends his account each month, which is a giant scam since I think you now have to pay at least $1 just to even join.
Fuck that shit totally understand wish there was more cause the story to this game is half decent I understand why the salt mine here in the comments
I was also patron, and this guy is 100% a fake and he ruined this game. I wish him nothing but the worst going forward and hope anything he does or starts turns into a complete and total fail.
Micro updates really aren’t an update though.
They are when you are stencilbits and you've run out of lies to post.
Because getting monthly updates with no content at all makes perfect sense to them.
Haven't seen gmichael and zoro around here building shrines and erecting memorials, which will need to be bug tested and proofread until the year 2078 in keeping with the values of stencilbits tradition, so no I don't think he has.
Give it another week or two when the latest procrastination post drops.
They will hit the ground running letting the internet know how wonderful it was.
Wonder what ole Saint Scammerbits will give us for Christmas this year...
He's making a list... And checkin' it twice...
Gotta find some new excuse, no dice.
The gift of.... NIL!!!
Wrap it in, maannn!!!
Yeah, dev is diligently working on new monthly trashfest for those who love staying in the echo chamber.
Rhetorical question.
Will it be something dumber and more pathetic than anyone could have ever anticipated?
Getting about that time to dig up the game corpse and parade it around for the December update and act like he's still making a game so his morons can come stroke his ego.
True, but he works hard to produce all these excuses month after month, year after year. So I have no doubt he'll astonish us with a brand new excuse that is totally unprecedented in the entire world of possible excuses.
He's making a list, He's making a list, He's making a list, He's making a list All he does on Christmas is make a list
He's busy comparing and contrasting all the previous excuses he has used, trying to figure out the best one to use for this month.
Welp, starting 4 years of the movie Ground Hog Day here, boring!
Welp, looks like the patrons just now only want to come here to hurl insults.
Thanks to those from patreon who have joined and trolled the page, you have disappointed.
And how many of you are here gloating over stencilbits sickness and bashing me and the other guy just for offering a difference of opinion?
Yesterday has been replaced with todays angst, the pain deep and never ending.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring and what might bring several to rejoice or howl at the moon in angst.
Have you paid anyone to have a different opinion than the one provided for you? If you haven't supported anyone to have a different opinion, then your opinion doesn't count and is mildly retarded.
When did I say anybody needed to pay for an opinion? Do you enjoy making just random garbage up as you go?
Read that over several times... slowly and then try to comprehend what YOU wrote below...if that's even possible for you.
You go back and reread what I said below, or you can continue to deliberately misconstrue everything I post. Apparently reading comprehension isn't your thing.
Your intent, your words, your cartoon. Your demise is in these alienated comments. Yes, you are a follower, motivated by Stencilbits' hogcrap. It took a short time for you and I suppose other followers to pick up another stone to throw. Realize your tenure will even be shorter in remembrance.
I feel like I get dumber every time I read one of these stupid posts that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Is there some point to this?
The fact people here keep complaining regardless of whether or not it actually appears is unless you are supporting him is to put it lightly mildly retarded.
Why would anybody support a dead game that gets absolutely zero work put into it? That is to put it point blank, severely retarded.
Do you not see the posts put on the patreon each month? Or do you just enjoy coming here to complain?
Yes, I actually do see them. They are comedy gold and basically just the same thing over and over again. I would literally bet money if he were to copy/paste a post from even two years ago you would be the first to hit the internet telling the world how much work is being put into this project.
People like you, who don't know anything about games continually support and praise scammers on the internet. It's clear after 3 years and going into 4th and nothing but one excuse and cheap render after another each month this game is 100% dead. Everyone else has figured it out. But nobody expects you to come smiling into reality.
He is not that much naive as this dumb piece of shit pretend to be, he's just scammer dev himself,this mf is pretending to be someone else on his own page to defend his ass and trying to act as a clueless idiot,just another one of shit act,what could you except from this bastard dev? He could steep more low bud.
You see this dev was never active or ever reply but this bitch of his, Dev's personal cum dumpster just defend Dev's ass all the time whinning for this and that.
Those posts are the single most ridiculous thing I have ever seen from any dev. Nothing else comes close. It makes me bust a gut laughing everytime one pops up
Might be himself using proxy IDs,and praising his own shit show called an avn,and now giving lame execuses,why would we waste our money on a motherfuvker like him?
Not the dev. Point still stands if you aren’t paying for the game your opinion is just that your own.
and who the fuck are you shit retard? Ass licker or cock sucker of dev,telling us shit nonsense and giving us execues from dev side,why should we pay a mf like him who's been milking his patreon with lame excuses for 3 fucking years.
Either you are biggest dumb shit on earth or you are dev personal bitch to defend that loser this much.
My thoughts exactly.
Go wear a diaper and shit in it you bunch of babies.
Since when did anybody need to pay to have an opinion on something?
I don't understand this leg humper logic.
Bullshit. Nobody is going to pay for shit that isn't even worked on. Well, nobody except you by spending your whole life savings on a garbage dev. The whole $20 of it.
Your words are appeasing your own ears. You have wasted time and monies on used car sales pitches.
Either the useless dev himself with his begging cup stuck out again, or some of his personal associates from the patron page.
In some cases. But this post is ignorant at best.
OMG, get a damn life people.
The dude is sick with the flu and everyone here is still moaning about this game.
What the hell do you expect anyone to do? Send him a get well soon card and a balloon? Take the next flight out and fly in to give him a big hug?
I mean like, really. Nobody cares. Go kick rocks.
Welp, i guess they all now expect tribute or homage paid. throw stencilbits and his minions out with the dishwasher.
What homage and tribute have you guys prepared for king Stencilbits today?
Myself not a participant in the religion here, just an observer on this playground. this comment board a playground from reality, take it for what it is. if you are entertained enjoy, seek not favor or redemption here, time spent is time served.
I can't respond to these nonsensical cryptic posts. Sad how you people just crumble.
Excuse me, I must have missed where I told anyone to go fly to his house or send balloons. YOU go kick rocks you arrogant jerk.
Exactly the reply I expected. Go sit down.
Why not? Every clown in a circus attraction needs a balloon.
Anything for these gullible people to keep coming here to stroke and fondle the dev over.
Oh look. The dev sent some dogs here to mislead the people again. Well then don't mind us ungrateful scumbags, this game is in constant progress and the dev is holy Jesus himself.
Maybe they should go construct an altar to pray to and worship the dev at their convenience.
The flu? Wtf is wrong with that shit. Maybe now he'll give us all monthly updates and patron posts with a cheap new render on his recovery.
Well of course. We must be kept up to date and up to speed on all the other pointless happenings. Whatever it takes to detract from the main issue.
I'm sure the worshippers here are already falling over in anticipation of such. How will they contain themselves when his long road to recovery hits the internet?
Somebody you don't like is sick and you think it's funny because he won't update your stupid game. Grow up.
Well at least now you admit he won't update it and the whole idea there is still a game at this point is stupid. That's a step in the right direction. Now just try not to go walking off the cliff after the December post where he goes to China on vacation and ends up in quarantine thus excusing himself again and you'll be doing alright.
Well fuck that dev,we are his customers not his parents to care for his health,if he can't give us our goods then fuck him,and at least you agree that this avn is stupid and shitty.
I wonder if gmichael has been busy nursing his king stencilbits back to strength?
Poor dev probably wore himself out working hard on all the nothing burgers he has provided the masses over the years.
I guess if he runs out of suppositories, he could always use his shills.
The monthly Patron posts are just clickbait garbage. Any moron can make stuff up for clicks and likes, especially when there is no focus of the game at all. Useless drivel that the masses who can't think for themselves are supporting.
Stencilbits is in the midst of his current latest and most up to date update that everybody has been waiting on and already seen for the last 36 months straight.
Let's get some excitement back in this dead room.
I think it's dead, bro.
Yup, reading this stupid fail of a game page is a well known symptom of deadness. There's not enough volts that could shock this thing back to life. There ain't no coming back.
The game didn't fail. The dev made thousands from retards over the years, and those same retards are still paying him each and every month to do absolutely nothing and then act like it's the most greatest thing each time he posts about it.
Another talentless loser cuck releases a pile of dogshit and opens a Patreon to defraud the morons. Business here as usual.
LOL. Dead page.
Anybody bothered to check and see if the latest dump pile of excuses and postponement has been posted for the long awaited 0.4 update that has been coming soon since late 2019?
I imagine it shan't be too hard for ole Stencilbits to reword a previous update from two years ago and plaster it for the masses and act like it's brand new.
This guy gets it.
Where are the resident stencilbit worshippers gmichael and zoroastra at to tell us how great this update was?
The patreons do entertain on this playground. But their numbers are dwindling.
I haven't bothered to read this months post. The level of autism they have reached at this point is off the charts, literally a new level that should not be possible.
Whatever got posted, I'm sure it'll result in more expired brain cells than the last month's post.
You haven't missed anything.
Apparently the latest excuse is he has the Flu and is crippled from the neck down and can't do anything.
How savante-gourd novel, new, refreshing, interesting, unique,singular, neoteric,cutting edge, modernistic, breaking new ground, fresh and innovative.
When he gets over it he'll be crippled from the neck up again and still won't be able to do anything. Back to business as usual.
Lol more hogcrap....no sale.
Round and round we go, maybe, possibly, hopefully, probably.
Those are all the first lines of sales pitches. When in doubt on the latest sales con and scam, refer to the Stencilbits handbook.
Come on, ya'll. Cut stencils some slack. Laying around with your begging cup reposting the same crap every month and pretending you're still making a game is hard work.This is obviously dead and abandoned, after 100,000 years and 482 rewrites. And yet somehow this clown act still has patrons despite having vanished years ago. Imagine being such a dumbass that not only do you still support a guy who has less work ethic than a comatose ape, but you are still giving him money just to see his repetitive shit posts early every month. Rofl. Fucking losers.
Wow, what a whiney little bitch you are.
Welp. Here's the teeter totter back on the playground again. 🎠🎠🎠🎠🎠🎠
Wtf are you talking about?
Suggest you reflect on YOUR comment above.
I would pay money to see what you look like and what you do in real life. It's so funny to see you losers get mad over porn games and try to act like an alpha, when you're really just an insecure virgin still living with their mom and sniffing her panties at the age of 40.
You've got to literally be one of the most miserable smurfs on the planet.
Welp, the boat has set sail on further updates. I suspect we will see pastel coloring books next as an offering on this playground, the money to spend is no longer there as the inclination has dried up these last dozen updates.
The comment board does seem bare these last few days. Suspect interest in this con is waning.
Good morning.
Hopefully better options are before you as this game erodes your common sense, sanity, and dignity.
The Stencilbits derangement syndrome of those still coming to shill in the comments below for the creator are obvious and have been realized. Looks like today's projectors have projected what they are being told, likely a result of a couple video games and a bad work ethic in the local Pizza Hut.
Enjoy the contest.
This could be a real barn burner. I will watch.
Again, why is anybody surprised and this shit is still stuck on random tardery appearing every few weeks?
It's interesting when you pull this guy's patreon up and summarize for the past year. I'm not going to post everything, just key snippets.
Basically, whenever it gets close to being ready, something happens. This guy is full of shit.
I need to figure out now how to restore my literacy after reading through and trying to make sense of this amalgamation of utter horse manure.
Last updated: August 18th, 2019
January: I spent some extra time testing things out, already made a test release build.
Febuary: And finally, the long promised 0.4 release date (drumroll): 3rd of April
March: as a final insult my computer's data hard disk died or was damaged during the move
April: I have managed to restore most things correctly from backups. Unfortunately, some things were lost.
May: Things are mostly ready for release 0.4 again!
June: I can now again focus better on finishing some of the old content for 0.4 and putting it out
July: Anyway, the point is that release is near.
August: I'll try to find some good time slot to push out a final test release at some point during September
September: The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system.
October: The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system.
Odd how September/October are identical.
It's time to leave yesterday's manure to fertilize this good Earth. There are more suited things to discuss than those that consume time and exposure of things that could be handled better.
You mean last year's manure?
Either way, yesterday's or last year's, it'll end up being posted again next month.
But I agree. This game is worm food.
Many are too occupied playing on this playground whether they have achieved status as kindergarten or fifth grader, and repeatedly fall into the trap left by this creator on his myriad number of sites.
Suggest you buy a lottery ticket. You have greater chance of winning 1.5 billion than winning anything here.
What a train wreck. Decent first few versions, then the dev suffered brain damage and now spends years supposedly remaking the game but only posting the same thing over and over about it. So fucking dumb. Just what the world was waiting for.
Not sure what the halloween horror edition was supposed to be for this last update, but I will say it was at least aptly named as the update was pretty horrible itself.
Sounds as if he is running out of things to say about the so called 0.4 release, he even admits to it. When all you do is jerk off to your own porn for 3 years and then post about it every month, you will eventually reach that point.
Talk about a dyslexic catastrophe.
Still no October update yet. Must be still figuring out which month he wants to copy everything over from.
Hopefully it doesn't take another month to proof read and he's not hunting bugs till next January for this month's monthly update.
He just polluted the internet again with the latest trash pile.
Of course it is hid behind the basement dwellers butt buddie club of a paywall of people who still try to pay for this shit.
I'm actually disappointed. I expected more creativity from this month's long awaited and anticipated update.
Actually. I don't even remember what it said. It was that lame so apparently it wasn't worth remembering. And I literally just read it a few hours ago.
Worry not, for you'll get a second chance to read it again when he reposts it next month.
Play scammer games released by scammer devs… get scammer content.
But that’s OK. Because some incel will melt down and be along briefly to tell what a great inceltastic game this is and how much work is being put into this defunct piece of crap nobody touches, because they don’t know anything about games.
It's so funny that you guys have been here for years yet clearly none of you ever bothered to look on the discord xD.
And here they are, at the end of the month. Right on cue.
Every single time.
Sure kid, just like you. Difference being I'm mostly just here to laugh at you while I play these non-existent updates you've been waiting on so desperately for years yet only took me a couple tries to find lmao.
Every post I've seen from you so far is ignorant and coming from someone who obviously went and read up somewhere else about this game being updated from someone else that is also ignorant and then coming here to try and sound like they know what they're talking about.
Go hang out on the discord with the rest of the virtue signallers.
sure - happy pointless hate parade.
It's no wonder you never knew anyone who knew anything about those updates with your attitude lmao.
Actually enjoying you and yours on this teeter totter. Your actions and time suggest diligence of desire to continue, your labeling as the wronged suggest the pain you endure.
I am an observer you and yours the participants. Selling Yellow Journalism, my observation and review: Yellow Journalism for sale, not buying no value.
You have conviently lied to yourself, good job.
Bravo *claps hands*
(you do realize you are just spinning your own story completely detached from reality right?)
Find any polyps up there?
These updates are just too dumb for me and stupid as hell to keep following. Been a year since I last checked the site and I see little has changed. Ashes to ashes for this one. But it will still be available in 5 years on this site because no one ever takes out the trash.
Woah, they're actually still at it ^^ these guys really love this game, don't they?
Cool story bro. Tell it again.
If posters of this comment board live in your head, your fears are noted.
lmao that trump face
I know no one likes spoilers buuuuuut.....
The next update is for Alice and once that has dropped he'll be looking at Steam but they have been iffy with adult games recently. Next chapter will be released in smaller chunks.
Also, just some bugs left to fix and then it will be going to testers.
*insert monthly picture here to make it look like dev has bothered to do some rendering*.
And with that, your eagerly awaited monthly update has been ruined because this is all new information we haven't heard every month for the past 3 years.
Also, the Titanic sunk.
Funny thing is, if he combined on these pointless renders each month he'd have enough to actually make a game with while complaining the whole time for years and years he is unable to do anything.
I have no expectations when it comes to this dev. Literally one of the worst, even worse than Icstor. At least Icstor does sometimes actually manage to finish something, this one here doesn't even make an effort.
That would require him to actually commit to doing something other than copy pasting from last month and switching a few words around.
And that ain't gonna happen.
Yeah this game and dev is completely useless now.
Aww, you ruined it.
And now we return to the annual waiting until next month's episode and installment of the landfill of excuses.
Next month we'll get the "Thanks for Nothing" thanksgiving update with another big nothing.
I wonder if the guy has made plans for his future generation to continue writing these garbage updates when hes gone?
I doubt anyone will still care about this atrocity by then.
But if nothing else I would hope by then they would have at least learned how to actually write an update.
I'm super confident we'll get the long awaited update this month.
I have faith...
I have nuffin'.
That's good. Because after this month you'll still have nothing.
And nothing + nothing = nothing.
But, but, but... it's tradition!!!
This is so retarded in so many ways.
This is how a real autist writes.
i see what you did there
Seems the dev hired some creative autists to do all the work each month.
This isnt autism at this point. its something more horrifying.
Give stencil a break.
It's not his fault he is a very bad autist and can only produce one irrelevant render a month.
Can't believe people are still waiting around for this mediocre ass game full of unlikable characters who only degrade the MC from beginning to end.
This is the kind of annoying shit somebody would play wearing a ball gag and hanging from bondage ropes.
i don't think people here are waiting on it so much as they are coming here to laugh and gloat at it.
this page delivers
Welp, Patreons are not the best forecasters or judges of people. In fact when it comes to comments on release dates those casting 81,000,000 votes for coming soon or next month seems to only impress respondents on the patron page.
I suspect many Patreons will share further philosophies by towel slapping in the bathroom when the next monthly update drops.
The patron page literally depicts the dev's finest work. He has devoted more time and effort to filling it with garbage every month than he has on the actual game.
Perhaps he should aspire to turn all the monthly entries into his next visual novel?
Just don't expect it to be finished, compiled, bug hunted, rewrote, bug hunted again and beta tested any sooner than the year 2076.
I expect status quo. Nothing more.
Reminds me of the emasculated patreons here still thinking they are getting this game released anytime soon. The dev has done his job well.
You might want to run this comment through the Mary Poppins disinformation czar Stencilbits himself. Let him know the game is coming soon, because he apparently forgot about it.
I dont mean to offend anyone but the Comment Section here is really hilarious and entertaining that I dont have to play the game LOL
I'm glad we could keep a smile on your face and keep you entertained. </sarc>
If it weren't for the comments this page would not even be relevant. 😁
Dead game
Was it ever really alive? it never exceeded more than 150 patrons and after Melissa's route it went on life support.
In all honesty, it had a slight glimmer to be a decent game, but the dev flat out murdered that.
Now it serves as a shining example of how not to make games. I eagerly await this thing to finally be posted up on and make it's grandiose debut to Steam so they can rip it to shreds. I actually may be waiting for that more than I am the game (and I'm not).
Well, even if it really is dead, it still has +/- 15 hours of perfectly good content.
Most abandoned projects get abandoned long before putting in that much effort.
Still, I'd prefer if it weren't dead so I'm just putting it on my long-term follow list. Along with the dozens of other interesting-but-on-Hiatus projects.
every once in a while, some old thing I nearly forgot about completely still releases an interesting update a decade later.
"perfectly good" is way too generous to describe the actual content.
A little generous perhaps xD
I'm probably inclined to overcompensate for all the flak it's taking.
That's great. Two years is not long enough and perfectly good, so you can just stay signed up for the next decade waiting in non-stop anticipation for the rest of it.
This comment was so bad you literally caused me to scroll up and see if I was posting on itch.io again.
And I was.
And I lose what exactly by keeping it on an off-hand list I don't actively check more than once a year or so...?
But no worries, I don't honestly care about your opinions on what I do anyway.
Yes I'd also arrive at that conclusion if I compared chocolate to dog turds.
You have strange eating habits then.
bettter luck with the next free game you play *shrugs*
If you think a decade is perfectly good, then you have obviously taken the apologist bias stance toward this game.
Is putting something on a watch list I check once a year "perfectly good"?
well, up to your interpretation I guess.
Not like I'm standing around doing nothing but wait till then so I'd have long forgotten the game after a year if I didn't put it on that list. *shrugs*
Maybe this shithead of a dev should hand out free drugs. That way we be on the same cloud as that dumbshit that writes the monthly overview so then we can understand the spastic idiocy spewed every month like clockwork but never does anything with this fucking game.
Patreon is just an hub for the scammer devs and their blinder wearing lemmings.
How dare you insult the easily enraged lemmings. 😈
*Enraged Lemming charges straight off a cliff*
Now look at what you did you brute... how irresponsible!
Show some respect for a protected species with the survivability of a dodo, would you?
The developer has ruined this and turned it into a dismal flop of a game.
A lack of updates does not 'ruin' the game - what exists does not change. It just means the people who wanted more are dissatisfied and start whining in the comments section. *shrugs*
If you want to say it ruins anything - it'd be the dev's chance to make money from his game since a good portion of his target audience will have started ignoring the game title if he really does release a big update later.
You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Try creating a game and letting it sit unattended for 12 months, and see if anyone is still jumping up and down over it. Then let it sit for 3 years, and see if you can actually build or keep any support after wrecking your reputation.
Again, that only hurts the dev's pockets - not anyone who finds the game and decides to play it.
Can't nobody find it if it's abandoned and forgotten about because it is not active. Nobody cares about abandoned games.
One of *those* types I see.
The test releases he keeps mentioning are patrician-tier-only beta-releases. Who seem to have been actually released at times, but never to the public at large. So no luck for you unlikable freeloaders.
Next public version is 0.4 but won't be out for (...some time?). Which is also when Patreon charges will resume.
I've also verified Patreon charges are effectively paused atm - so yea, there goes you guys' meaningless hate parade without a leg to stand on.
Internet trolls ffs...
You have been dismissed from this playground due to your inability to sway others and sucker people into donating money to your misguided fantasies, so you are projecting again. Time to move on.
uh-huh. feel free to move on.
t hen I suggest you get the fuck outta here with this shitty half assed barely legible patron filled piece of shit. Omg what a piece of shit, don't waste ur time.
Stfu dumbo. People come here to download games not get retina cancer from wordy trash posts on patreon.
Apparently this comment was deemed too brutal by the creator he just couldn’t bring himself to continue
I Dunno what comment it is because I've already blocked whoever posted that.
On a guess, it's probably the fella who does nothing, but line up swear words in a row.
Yes, we know. You ignore everything you don't want to see and hear like any other snowflake. This is the internet. You should bring your own safe space because one obviously won't be provided for you.
If I ignored everything I don't want to see I'd be ignoring a whole lot more than that guy, but I still have standards of my own.
not brutal enough. this developer is utter fucking GARBAGE.
These "tech releases" have been promised for nearly a year and a half but nobody has ever seen one, patrician tier or otherwise. Try to keep up.
Has anyone actually ever saw one of these? I dropped the patron scam before 0.3.1 and never saw the first one and it's been one fake news post after another since.
They have been mentioned over the past two or three years, but no nobody has ever gotten one. They don't exist.
Then why the hell is anybody even bringing up test updates that never existed?
Some people on this page need to get a damn clue.
Because they are dumb and don't know anything about games.
You know this from Patrician-tier Patrons, or you are just assuming this while not knowing any patrician-tier Patrons?
If they are Patrons, have they tried sending a message to the dev to ask if they can get the test version? Beta releases are often on-demand only.
Sure. Why don't you go do just that, ask the man himself. Then get back with us with his timely response. I'm not wasting my time.
Maybe after I actually get around to clearing all current content - be a bit awkward to ask for a beta version if I've only gone through one of the (three or more?) currently available paths lol.
I don't think a dev that hasn't even touched his own game in nearly 1,000 days is going to care about that.
Here it is, ladies and gents. Here is the massive update for this month.
Get your barf bags ready.
Coming soon, expect it soon, excuses.
The trifecta of caustic dumbassery.
Monthly Update: Carry-on Baggage Edition
Time flies and September is nearly ending, so it's time for another monthly update! The final tech test release is hopefully coming out soon(ish). I have to track down some bugs I encountered when using Ren'Py's rewind/replay system. Managing complex state properly through those transitions can get tricky. Other than that, no news (which is good). All has been said and done in the previous updates, I'll just have to crawl through the finish line at some point and get 0.4 out of the door. Expect a test release at some point when I have sorted out those few remaining bugs.
Test-releases are what gets released to the 9-dollar tier patreons. Nothing ever mentioned any public updates before 0.4's general release. Which is future music.
As others have already said, you do not have a clue about, well anything. There have never been any test releases, and I'm not wasting my time on you explaining it.
At the end of the month, the simps are distributed out and all show up to talk about what an astronomical update just dropped, so astronomical it'll be out next month. Every time.
meh, I'll just tag as follow and see what happens.
Not like I'll be quite as on the edge of my seat about it as some people here seem to be lmao.
Still... it can't be a 'patreon scam' if there are no charges on Patreon... so meh.
There is not a barf bag big enough to hold that epic steaming pile.
Crawl through the finish line? More like somebody dragging a corpse that has been dead for 3 years across the finish line.
That would be congruent with there still being a product left, and I'm not convinced there even is at this point. Game's dead and done. That's just the facts.
People on the patron page still believe this is being worked on. Keep up the great work? What a bunch of idiots.
Generic names. Generic responses. A blank profile and the fact nobody with a functioning brain impulse would post that moronic garbage praising something that has been in the works for 2 years with regurgitated excuses.
That's not a patron. That's probably the dev using a junk account to post on his own page.
What would be the point? His patreon account isn't charging any money atm. It would be a waste of the effort to dump perfectly good garbage.
it's far more likely that he got a little too ambitious in redoing everything from scratch while only really working on it as a hobby after a full-time job.
these updates have been a giant turd for the biggest portion of this game.
The whole monthly post render bullshit is just a giant sham to stay known while he fingers his asshole each month. He's working on this while rebuilding everything? Bullshit. He's holding on to the few newbs who continue joining his page while he works behind the curtain on another project.
There is always next month. And the next month. And the month after. And then there is always next year.
And the year after.
I actually feel pretty bad for the dead horse at this point.
Don't worry. It'll be drug out and beat to death all over again next month when stencil slings his monthly shit on the wall.
Latest monthly incel post is now up. I can't read it, because it is only exclusively available to the resident rump kissers.
Just more probably-possibly goalpost moving cuck shit.
yupper. everybody got cucked again this month, but the all the morons be like "ooooh, it's coming soon so I'll sign up again next month" after reading the latest dung that promises it again next month.
Literally NO ONE CARES about his post.
Time to ice out this dev. Do not post in or like his Patreon posts, just leave them to rot.
Nobody does post anything. Everyone on every site is laughing at this train wreck. I would be embarassed to be this guy.
I would be embarrassed to be you.
I would be embarassed to have my head so far up the creator's anus that it is impossible to tell where he ends and you begin.
Right, Because I even care about the creator.
My posts are 99% out of dislike for the general attitude here rather than having anything to do with the game or dev.
1. You cannot speak for others.
2. If you actually didn't care you would not be here trolling the comments.
A difference of opinion is not trolling, and you weren't even aware of that word until you were accused of it. So congratulations. You managed to actually learn a new word and expand your otherwise rather limited vocabulary.
... uh-huh. (Is this guy twelve?)
This has to be one of the biggest pieces of garbage here. Totally pathetic. Month after month, year after year. It's a safe bet he doesn't even still have the thing and is trying to stay relevant until he can launch his next game he will kick to the corner after a year.
You guys really have nothing better to do than hate on a free game's dev huh?
If it turns out his Patreon is actually paused, you guys do realize how silly this whole hate parade of yours is gonna end up looking right?
Another complete trash post.
If you had bothered to actually look at the last time this was updated, simple question, do tell us when it was last updated? Then tell us more about who looks silly thinking it's just right around the corner.
But overall, don't feel too bad when you finally do go look. I'm sure those of you still waiting and signing up, hanging on every word that pops up each month can easily find acceptance with the bronies.
If this free game ever gets updated by the dev - whom you aren't paying - during his free time after his actual job... good.
If not... shame, would've been fun. End of story.
But yea - feel free to cry about it if you can't help yourself.
been "paused" since august 2019. actually before that as that was the last fake news update that added absolutely nothing. but that don't matter, as reading all your comments below you are obviously here to make excuses. so when you get ur pile of monthly excuses and procrastination, you will know you are getting ur money's and time worth.
uh-huh... So... how much did you pay for this free game that you feel so very entitled...?
People who just hate on someone who's making a game as a hobby in their free time after work because they want more of it are such a nuisance.
this whole comment is just dumb. you act as if he is somehow still making and releasing anything, when he obviously isnt. not since 2019. you think the complaints are bad because of the lack of updates and continuous excuses? you are either trolling or just don't know anything about games.
I'll take trolling for $800 Alex.
Better pay him then.
I just dislike random internet trolls like you and am not too shy to respond in kind.
Also, which part of lacking game knowledge even relates to updates...? Cause the only issue any of you seem to have is that you want MORE.
Well, September is drawing to a close and the latest and greatest Stencilbits monthly update is just right around the corner.
Aren't you guys excited? I know I am, as I can't wait to roll my eyes out of their socket when he tells us about how far he has been set back after his latest disasterous meltdown, seeing as how things have been "mostly ready for 0.4" since the end of May after looking good enough to be ready February 19th after fighting 0.4 to the finish line in Novemeber 2021 and then after coming soon since April 2020.
Any update should go straight into the trash. Worthless garbage.
Honestly, it is more of an echo chamber. I guess if the sound of bullshit reverberating in your ears excites you, then stay tuned.
Excited? No. Curious what this month's reasoning behind yet another delay to be added on top the other endless delays, or where the goal post has been moved to this time? Absolutely.
guessing he goes back and rewrites everything he already rewrote, or maybe decides to finally get a life and move out of the basement.
I doubt this lazy ass creator is going to move out of the basement. That would require him to actually get a job and quit relying on handouts, and as many as he says he goes through, that's not going to happen.
it's cos devs only write what they know, and this one doesn't know anything except how to swindle the patreons.
Stencilbits was too busy rewriting the game and rebuilding his fried computer, changing careers, moving all over the world, and sending relentless monthly alerts pimping new release dates that never arrive for any of that this month, so he'll see you again next month.
When the game did those tests at the start and then went <"that was it"> I totally thought 'Ahh, now I get all the complaining.' You guys set my expectations too damn low xD.
Bit choppy writing in the prologue. (I have feeling > I have a feeling etc).
The mouth and eyes on the moving pictures somehow... shifts? That would work so much better for a scary horror story xD
There are a number of random time skips with no real warning or context - that can feel a bit jarring.
On a more positive note, I rather like the art, it feels original - or has something to it that I haven't seen in similar games.
The writing does improve after the intro. The swaying characters grew on me after a while too and the character building / story itself is pretty good.
I didn't get to the end of the current version in one sitting. Overall, I'd say just what I've seen so far is already much better than many of the games I've played before have ever gotten so updates or no - the negativity here is way overkill.
Maybe it isn't the gmichael guy who's on someone's payroll eh...?
So another con artist and shill from patreon turned up on the board.
Must be fun assuming everyone who disagrees with you is a con artist. Makes life so much easier.
The fact you are here rabidly defending a game that has not moved an inch since 2019 tells me all I need to know.
the patreons are just trash from the same dumpster and also it's what happens when you can't figure out when you are being lied to. at this point they don't need an update, they need psychiatric help
I played it for +/- three hours between my first and second post. The only info I have on past events is the hate-rant in here which is rarely objective, So I just took a look at the game as it is for myself, without considering future updates - since those seem to not be coming if you guys are to be believed.
Appreciate your angst in feeling controlled. Myself not concerned or in agreement. Suggest you evaluate your position in your hobby and set another plan in motion.
Look at him trying to be cryptic.
It's Cute.
All patron posts here are from Never Never Land, Patreon is the Playground of Peter Pan. I understand your monthly donation to Patreon now results in your spending time and monies posting cartoons of sheep and exercising your preconceived fantasy, and the dev appreciates your continued contributions to his unemployment fund.
Well the playground here never disappoints and entertains. Time to get back to reality and leave this never never land.
There's so much complaining going on here now I just have to see for myself how bad this could possibly be ^^
It is funny how you all keep saying it is dead and abandoned when the dude puts out updates every month. It is being worked on, so don't like it then gfy nobody cares.
He pahses the patreon each month and doesnt take payments.
I guess this is what all the millennials and smartphone kids who only ever read about games on the internet think what updating anything actually looks like.
Sad world.
that was the most autistic garbage posted so far.
No shit. The dude is working on it every morning noon and night and has a release coming next month for 36 months straight.
I am dumber from heaving read that garbage.
He's not working on anything. And even if he is, who the hell cares at this point. Games that go 12 months with no updates are dead. Games that go 3 years? Nobody will care about it.
Will anybody even remember it? LOL!
trying to read this shit made my eyes bleed and what kinda dumbass puts only an half assed fuck fest like this up every month and thinks he is doing a good job
Make ur own game then
Get a damn life and stop patrolling the comment pages and defending a dev that doesn’t give a fuck about you, unless you are the dev in which it doesn’t come as a surprise that you’d go to such length to defend your trash.
Rather than making his own game, he needs a tutorial on how to leave a proper negative review.
This one is far too personal and doesn't have a grain of constructive criticism or areas to improve upon, which means it gets discarded as random trash-talk from a hater, regardless of the game being good or bad.
so says the random guy who cant even be bothered to reply to the correct post. i never said anything about making games.
go sit down.
Or maybe, people are tired of hearing regurgitated excuses month after month after month from a guy who clearly doesn't even have any interest in his game at this point.
That's what some people call a clue. But this is itch.io and literally the land and home of the blind leading the blind which is why we have clueless comments like this.
this game is dead due to a dev who decided to start on another project while keeping the rotting corpse of this one alive so he can keep whatever are still dumb enough to pay for it. this place is full of fucking trash games and fucking trash devs. TRASH!
I'm pretty sure the Patreon page mentions it's on Hiatus - so no payments are actually billed until it's status changes back to 'active'...
EDIT: I'm not actually sure about that, seems to have changed a couple times? Ask one of the 144 People still in it if they're being billed I guess?
Looked it up in his most recent post, it's clearly intended to be paused anyway:
"And as always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then)."
Joined on the 1-dollar tier out of sheer curiosity - I'll know for sure if it's got payments paused by the end of the month ;P
PS: That last line was utterly unnecessary. Itch is a free community, *most* games here - including this one - are available for free and anyone who feels so inclined can post their creations on it. The quality of the devs - and their work - is in no way guaranteed and should be judged on individual basis.
the patron page mentions each month every month it is in developement. i know it is hard but try to keep up, that has gone on for YEARS.
and you joined the patreon anyway? LOLOLOL!!!!!
do tell me more about the patrons and it coming soon while you stay signed up for months and months and months while the same garbage is puked up every month. this is comedy gold